Citizens United Cancerous Case

  • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Jerry Summers
Jerry Summers

The gluttonous contributions to political campaigns by the super rich in 2024, and before, under the authority of the United States Supreme Court decision of Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission 558 US 310 (2010) has bestowed unlimited power to affect the rights of the vast majority of citizens, while reaping unlimited financial and political benefits to chosen candidates as well as the news media.

In a five to four decision, the slight majority held that political spending is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and the government may not keep corporations or labor unions from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections. This has led to the creation of political action committees, PACs, known as Super PACs, that has created chaos and expensive campaigns before and during 2024 that has raised the cost of being a candidate for Congress and the presidency.

The extent of the legal dispute over the close decision can be reviewed by using the humorous posts on Google by interested groups and organizations that have been in favor or against the controversial court ruling.

The extent of the limits of the protections of the First Amendment ranges from books and writings, free speech, pornography, education, religion, etc., that are almost endless. The unique protection under said amendment is unparalleled, and its interpretation is often expressed in accordance with the viewpoint of individuals or groups.

On the fifth anniversary of the decision on Jan. 21, 2015, disruptions in the United States Supreme Court gallery by a few protesters interrupted court proceedings.

The controversy over Citizens United continued into the 2023-2024, election cycle, with major corporations, CEOs, and sports team millionaires/ billionaires giving an astronomical sum of money to both Democrat and Republican candidates, and some voices have expressed the viewpoint that the influence of the ultra rich has increased substantially, while that of the poor and middle class citizenry has significantly been reduced.

The question remains as to whether, after 15 years, the case needs to be readdressed with the substantial change in the political composition of the US Supreme Court?

The presence of the multi-billionaires at the inaugural galas of the 47th President of the United States on Sunday, Jan. 20, 2025 does not weaken the above argument (?)

Jerry Summers
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