Kane V. Chuck In 2026

  • Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The question of who will be the standard bearer for the next four-year term of the Grand Old Party (GOP) for the 2026 Governors race in Tennessee is starting to take shape with the list of the speakers at the various Lincoln Day Dinners in each of the 95 counties and certain municipalities increasing.

The local mayor of Choo Choo City has already held a couple of fundraisers in anticipation of a 2025 re-election run in an early “gathering of the greenbacks” events that are taking place at many elitist locales. However he has publicly announced on his “One Chattanooga" public service program that “he has no higher political aspirations” (goals).

It was anticipated that his prior announced opponent would likewise initiate a massive, multi-million dollar campaign of Benjamin Franklins (100s) and US Grants (50s) from their supporters (oops- she got out of the race on April 15, 2024 to help her “tribe”).

The race for the head of the Volunteer State may be more complex.

With $2,714,848 in his campaign war chest, Congressman Chuck Fleischmann of the 3rd District has money to burn and he can encourage additional contributions to raise a larger amount of bucks outside the campaign finance restrictions placed on the members of the hierarchy on the Potomac River if he should decide to strive to achieve the top spot in Tennessee.

Another potential aspirant for a four-year sabbatical on the Cumberland River is the current head of the Big Orange domain, “Kane,” sometimes known as Mayor Glen Jacobs of Knoxville.

With a superior record of passing major legislation during his 12 years of service in Washington, CF is also a giant of a man able to compete against the former 7’0’’, 323 pound grappler with the World Wrestling Entertainment.

In order to “bulk up” against the potential political Goliath in the match of the century, Rep. Chuck has recently been rewarded for Herculean efforts by being appointed to the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee which will allow him to continue his multiple on camera public appearances on C-Span.

In the recent scientifically accurate viewer poll in chattanoogan.com on the question “Should the Dulles Airport in Washington be renamed the Donald J. Trump Airport as favored by Rep. Fleischmann?” is informative - 35 percent for, 65 percent against.

Both candidates are superb athletes though varying slightly in bulk and height.

Kane’s wrestling career since 1992 is fully documented in Wikipedia under his real name while Chuckie’s home run record as the long ball hitter for the GOP against the dreaded Democrats in the yearly Congressional baseball struggle is duly recorded for posterity in the historical annals of the game.

Any other candidates entering the political arena in the 2026 fray will have a difficult task (and match) against the prospective talented duo!

Jerry Summers

PS: It is anticipated that the local Pachyderm Club might conduct its own accurate and impartial poll on the question of the renaming of the Washington aerodome!

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