Man Testifies He Was Shot With His Own Gun After Taking Man For Beer

  • Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Victim Michael Shaw is at right, while James Taylor stands before Judge David Bales
Victim Michael Shaw is at right, while James Taylor stands before Judge David Bales

A Shreveport, La., man said he was shot with his own gun after taking a man he barely knew out on a late-night run for beer.

Charges of aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, possession of a firearm and theft were bound to the Grand Jury against James Albert Taylor, 48. General Sessions Court Judge David Bales set his total bond at $215,000.

Judge Bales said the victim "was in our community trying to work and he was almost killed. It is very fortunate that we didn't have a homicide."

Michael Shaw said the bullet went into his arm and then his hip. He said, "A half inch in any direction and I wouldn't be here testifying today."

He testified while wearing a heavy bandage on his arm.

The victim said he and two associates were staying at the King's Lodge on the side of Missionary Ridge while in town repairing dumpsters.

He said Taylor, who was also staying at the King's Lodge, began coming by bumming cigarettes and beer.

He said on the night of the shooting on Sept. 17 that Taylor asked him to take him to get beer. He said they went to two different stores without getting any. One was closing and another would not sell him any because Taylor did not have an ID. He did get beer at a third store.

He said Taylor asked him to take him to a residence in order to get his wallet. He said he was not familiar with Chattanooga streets so he followed the directions of Taylor to a residential area that turned out to be near Willow Street.

The witness said he carries a pistol and had it by him because he cannot wear it and have his seat belt on. He said after he had stopped at a stop sign that Taylor suddenly grabbed the pistol and jumped out of the vehicle.

Mr. Shaw said he got out and yelled at Taylor, who turned and fired at him.

He said he wrapped paper towels around his bleeding arm and began to follow a man dressed like Taylor had been - brown flannel shirt and light-colored pants. He said he was on the phone with police at the same time.

Mr. Shaw said an ambulance came for him prior to police getting the man in custody.

He said while in the hospital, he was shown a photo of the man he had been following. He said he knew immediately it was not the shooter. That man, Willie Woodruff, was then released. He said he had heard a shot, then saw someone in a truck following him.

Police then showed Mr. Shaw a set of photos and he immediately picked out Taylor, who prosecutor Lance Pope said has an extensive criminal record.


James Albert Taylor
James Albert Taylor
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