Fleischmann Calls For Halt Of Syrian Refugee Program; Haslam Asks Temporary Suspension Of Refugee Placement In Tennessee

  • Monday, November 16, 2015

Following the recent acts of terror that took place in Paris, Congressman Chuck Fleischmann called for a halt to the United States accepting Syrian refugees:

He said, “In light of the horrendous attacks in Paris, I believe that we must halt our refugee program with Syria until the proper safeguards are in place.  The United States has a long and proud tradition of helping those in need, but this is no longer just a humanitarian crisis.  Our top priority must always be protecting the American people.”

State Rep. Sheila Butt on Monday morning asked legislators to sign a letter requesting that Governor Bill Haslam take immediate action to block incoming Syrian refugees that may be heading for Tennessee. More than 40 legislators from the Senate and House added their name.

This afternoon, Governor Haslam announced that he would be requesting a suspension of refugee placement in Tennessee until the federal government was willing to work more closely with the state of Tennessee in the vetting process.

"I'm thankful that Governor Haslam decided to take action. We have seen multiple states taking a stand in order to protect their citizens by blocking incoming Syrian refugees," said Rep. Butt. "Given the fact that Tennessee has already been targeted by radical Islam in Chattanooga just recently, I think it is extremely important that we actually know whether or not these refugees are associated with terror groups such as ISIS."

Officials have confirmed that at least one of the terrorists responsible for the attack on Paris arrived in France disguised as a refugee.

"It has become clear that terrorists are traveling alongside refugees. While we are certainly empathetic to these refugees, we cannot risk allowing them into the state without proper vetting," said Rep. Butt. "FBI director James Comey has already confirmed that no current vetting process exists."

Sheila Butt is the Republican state representative representing parts of Maury County.

The U.S. Senate on Monday unanimously passed a resolution authored by Senators Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.), the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, condemning the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday and offering thoughts and prayers for the victims, condolences to their families, resolve to support the people of France, and a pledge to defend democracy and stand in solidarity with the country of France and all our allies in the face of this horrific attack on freedom and liberty. The resolution was cosponsored by all 100 members of the Senate.


The full text of the resolution follows.




Condemning the terrorist attacks in Paris and offering thoughts and prayers for the victims, condolences to their families, resolve to support the people of France, and the pledge to defend democracy and stand in solidarity with the country of France and all our allies in the face of this horrific attack on freedom and liberty.


Whereas, on November 13, 2015, at least eight armed gunmen and suicide bombers conducted six separate attacks across the city of Paris, France, killing at least 129 civilians and wounding over 350 innocent men, women, and children;


Whereas these horrific attacks mark the deadliest violence to strike the Republic of France since World War II, the worst act of terrorism to strike Europe since the 2004 attacks in Madrid, Spain, that killed 191 and wounded approximately 1,800 others, and one of the worst terrorist acts carried out on Western soil since the catastrophic attacks of September 11, 2001;


Whereas Paris is still grieving from the January 7, 2015, terrorist attack on the offices of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo that brutally murdered 12 people and injured at least 11 others;


Whereas President of the Republic of France Francois Hollande has declared a national state of emergency and deployed approximately 1,500 military members across the city of Paris;


Whereas President Hollande condemned these events as ‘‘an act of war that was committed by a terrorist army, a jihadist army, Daesh’’;


Whereas President Hollande further declared that ‘‘when terrorists are capable of committing such atrocities they must be certain that they are facing a determined France, a united France, a France that is together and does not let itself be moved, even if today we express infinite sorrow’’;


Whereas President Barack Obama called these heinous actions not just an attack on Paris and the people of France, but an attack on all of humanity and the universal values that we share;


Whereas the Republic of France is America’s oldest ally, dating back to Marquis de Lafayette, and the people of the United States and France mutually share a debt of gratitude that dates from the formation of our republics through two world wars;


Whereas the people of the Republic of France have expressed solidarity with the people of the United States, including following the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, which claimed the lives of thousands of innocent civilians in the United States;


Whereas the French people have made manifest their commitment to the United States by partnering with United States forces in Afghanistan and Iraq and as an important partner in the fight against extremist terrorism in Mali and around the world;


Whereas at least one United States citizen was murdered in these heinous attacks and at least four others were injured; and


Whereas these attacks represent both an assault on freedom and democracy and an unmitigated evil that the United States and United States allies must stand united to defeat: Now, therefore, be it


Resolved, That the Senate—


(1) condemns the brutal attacks on the people of Paris that resulted in the death of at least 129 people, including one United States citizen, through shootings, hostage-taking, and suicide bombings of innocent, civilian targets;


(2) expresses its heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies for the victims and family members of those attacked;


(3) renews the solidarity of the people and Government of the United States with the people and Government of the Republic of France; and


(4) pledges support for the Government of France to pursue justice against those involved in these heinous attacks and to prevent future attacks.

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