Corker Says Security For Citizens Is Most Important Responsibility

  • Thursday, November 19, 2015

Appearing on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Senator Bob Corker discussed the need to ensure our nation’s refugee program has integrity and warned that our visa waiver program may pose an even greater risk if gaps are not addressed. 

“I think what people on both sides of the aisle are beginning to realize is the refugee program is certainly something that needs to be looked at…we need to make sure that it has integrity,” said Senator Corker. “But people are realizing that the visa waiver program that we have with multitudes of countries in Europe probably poses a much greater risk to us than even the refugee program. There are all of these tools that exist for people to come into our country, and there are some gaps in them that could pose a security threat.

“I understand Senator Dianne Feinstein is introducing a bill…relative to the waiver program I was just talking about, which again, appears to have much greater gaps in it even than the potential gaps that exist with the refugee program. So, I think what you’re going to see happen is, though this veto threat may exist on a piece of legislation, my sense is there is going to be an even broader piece of legislation that is considered by both houses so we can carry out our number one responsibility and that is making sure our citizens are protected.”

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