Just Busted Magazine Went Too Far - And Response (2)

  • Saturday, April 16, 2011

I was standing in a convenience store yesterday when I looked down on
the counter and saw the mug shot of Jesse Mathews in the Just Busted
Magazine. Really? Is that necessary?

I'll admit that I've checked out
the magazine a few times. My friends and I get a kick out of looking
at some of Chattanooga's finest who have been arrested for
misdemeanor's like DUI or assault. I get the purpose of the magazine,
and don't really have a problem with that.

But, I think that posting
Jesse Mathews in there was of extremely poor taste and showed a
complete lack of respect for Sgt. Chapin's family.

Nathan A. Jones
Red Bank

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I saw that same issue but had a completely different thought. Even though I realize that "Busted" puts nearly everybody in their issues, regardless of crimes committed, it seemed like they were jumping on the "Sgt. Chapin" bandwagon, just like our local media has done over the past few weeks.

I feel for the Chattanooga Police Department and especially for the family of Sgt. Chapin, but felt like Abba's House and our local media milked this tragedy for all it was worth. Really, change the name of the Walnut Street bridge? Why don't we just change the name of our town to Chapinooga?

It was a horrible, horrible crime perpetrated by an individual that should have never been out of jail in the first place, but if we really want to honor those that gave their lives in the line of duty, let's not forget to remember all of them.

Herb Montgomery

* * *

Let me start by saying that it is true that every one should respect that officer family, but answer me this - how do you think it makes his family feel every time they turn on the news and there not only is the picture of the man who killed him but also a picture of a father and a husband.

I have the upmost respect for the officer and all his family. but I have to go for the Just Busted people this time they were doing only the job they have been doing for so long now.

I think that what really needs to be done is every time the jerk in jail that killed that officer goes to court we need to be there to say 'hey, we don't need a man like this out of jail not to mention his entire family.' I think they all should not have a bond whatsoever. If you ask me, I would think that if any member of that family was to get out of jail it would be just wrong. A person has to be proven guilty before anything, but just look at how his mother went on TV telling oh my poor son when all of it was a lie.

It is a shame that the United States does not have some of the same rules like other countries. What I mean is instead of putting the family through a long and drawn out court, when he is found guilty don't send him to prison to sit there for who knows how long letting the taxpayers pay for his stay. If he is found guilty and does get the death sentance within 24 hours either fry him or stand him in front of a firing squad.

Let's not get on the magazane for doing the job. Let's focus on the officer's family and swift justice. Just as he took that man's life away let's do the same to him. Americe should stop coddling the crooks and start letting them know hey if you kill someone no matter who it is you get one shot in court and, if you are found guilty, then within 24 hours you will go to meet your maker whoever that may be. Americe needs to take our country and our laws back.

Steve Wilson

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