A Letter To The NAACP - And Response (2)

  • Wednesday, December 17, 2014
I believe when a "unarmed" man is evil, he will try to beat a police officer on his head in hopes to knock him out, in hopes to kill him. We saw the bruises on the officer's face.  This evil force tried to take his gun away from him , Proof was in the autopsy.  Why did Michael Brown  try to take his gun away from him? Exactly, to kill the officer.  Once he realizes he cannot take it from him he may walk away and turn back and run towards him, to try once again try to kill him. 
 If this is what you stand for then you know nothing about  Martin Luther King or any of the great civil rights leaders who  courageously died .
A right for equal opportunity and education. A right to have a professional job.  Not an entitlement to break the law.
 If Michael  had been a white man the police officer would have done the same thing.  You have crucified the wrong man.
You are blind and do not see what Martin Luther King taught. Martin Luther King did not stand up for  Michael Brown's character.  There are times an unarmed man can be very dangerous, white or black. Many black civil rights leaders marched for equality, not entitlement to break the law or to endanger our law enforcement.
Yes, there has been a great deal of injustice to African Americans. Yet I see many who are highly educated. I see many who have moved into great professions because of the great civil rights movement. I admire them.  Our true civil rights leaders left us too soon. Those leaders are gone.  I hate to say they will never  be replaced.  You NAACP people are in search of a witch hunt. You are smothering our new soon to be black leaders.
  I am sorry for all the tragedy that unfolded  when slavery was legal. There is no doubt  African Americans were exposed to heinous acts of crime. I shudder when I think of the way many were treated.  I love the movie titled Jane Pittman.  The first black woman to drink from a white fountain.  I was only 12 years old but I was in tears.
If you read the paper in today's world,  you will find there are as many or more white people arrested as there are blacks.  Mental illness is at  an all time high. Evil is dwelling among all races due to drugs and none of us are privileged enough to be immune. Our protection is our police department.  We need to teach our children to trust and respect the law at an early age.
Prejudice runs rampant among African Americans as well as Caucasians.  It is a sign of ignorance. Finding  a way to unite would mean we all have a  chance in this country to stand together and teach our children right from wrong and no one is entitled to breaking the law.  No one is entitled to crime or threatening the life of anyone especially those who are in the middle of the streets protecting us.
In Chattanooga, Several people this week were exposed to sexual perversions.  A child in a church by a white male. .Elderly women by a black man, all in the paper on the same day.  We do not have time for blowhards to pick at our officers.  What is happening today in the world?  I pray for new leaders. While in Chattanooga, some protest and sluggishly write their poetry. I ask, do you really  think an unarmed man is not dangerous. That is deceptive.  I pray for this country.  I pray our next president will see all of us as his people.  One that will think before starting riots that end by burning  down victims' stores and towns.  I will tell you now there is one place I never desire to visit and that is Ferguson.
God Bless Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Jesse Hill, Jr. John F. Kennedy.  Booker T. Washington and all the many courageous men and women who would turn over in their graves if they saw what the NAACP stood for today.  Entitlement to crime. Again, there are as many white people in the jail systems as blacks and there are many who are lost. Lack of morals, lack of fathers and drugs. and both races belong to gangs.  our children are exploited to sex at an early age on television and through music. This is white and black children.  I love all of them.   We in America are in a crisis.  So let's not forget to thank the good police officers for doing the best job they can do to continue to serve us. Their life is on the line and let's not forget that under the right circumstances, they will defend themselves.  So go march somewhere. No one is entitled to grab an officer's gun and hit him.
 We should all pray for them each night. We should also pray for all our lost children.  I do mean our lost children. The ones who are black and white as well as other cultures.  If we truly care and if we believe as our courageous civil rights leaders believed, we would be on bended knees every night,  after reading the news the last couple of days, I fear it will get worst if we do not stop our bickering and unite for all of the races.
Gwyn Greene  

* * *  

To the writer of this opinion piece, if you're going to comment publicly about an ongoing news story, please get your facts straight first. The officer involved in the Michael Brown case did not have bruises on his face. There was a photo released of him in the emergency room. He had one slightly reddened mark on one side of the face and that is all. He had no fractures around around his eye nor any other injuries as first reported.  

And Michael Brown was unarmed. The officer could have easily called for backup and within a minute or two there'd have been 20 cop cars there and Brown could have have been taken into custody without incident.  

Or the officer could have shot Brown on a non-vital part of the body thus incapacitating but not mortally wounding him. The officer instead decided to take the easy way out, knowing that there would be no repercussion for what he did. And sure enough, he was completely exonerated.  

It's time to have an honest discussion about the state of race relations in this country and face the fact that many people in our country are disproportionately being killed who have a different skin hue. If Michael Brown had been white he would still be alive today.  

When the Cliven Bundy fanatics converged with guns drawn out west, blocking roads and frightening people who lived in the area there was not a single shot fired by the authorities. If those people had been black there would have been a massacre. 

Brenda Rich

* * * 

I think Gwyn's non-racial opinion was very good. And I was sitting back waiting for someone to come back with a negative response, kind of like fishing, waiting for a bite, Then just like that, Brenda took the hook.  

My Dad, back in the 60's, and yes I am a white male by the way, sat me down for a long talk about doing the right thing and respecting police. He also told me, "son if you ever do anything to get in trouble and you know it's wrong, and you go to jail, "DO NOT" waste you're phone call on calling me. You (will) be sitting there for a long time."  I listened and believed every word he said and it scared the living you know what out of me. Especially that, sitting there a long time, comment.  

I strongly suggest that Brenda get on her computer and go to You Tube and watch Chris Rock "How NOT to get beat by the police." Not only is it really funny but rather educational and something that "everyone," no matter what color or country you're from, should remember. Kind of reminds me of my Dad's talk without all the bad language a long time ago. 

Cliff Duke

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