Bredesen Misleads Tennesseans - And Response (5)

  • Thursday, October 11, 2018

Yesterday, Project Veritas released a video in which Phil Bredesen's staff admit to lying for votes. Some direct quotes:

Journalist: “Like he wouldn’t really vote yes [for Kavanaugh,] would he? 

Staff: “No, it’s a political move… He thinks that like we’re down like half a point right now. It’s like really close and we’re losing by a point or two. So he thinks that if like by saying this he’s appealing to more moderate Republicans and he’ll get more of them to vote for us.”


Journalist: “I was so confused because I just can’t believe he would actually vote [for Kavanaugh.]

Staff: “He wouldn’t. But he’s saying he would… Which I don’t know if it makes it worse or better. No, it makes it better… “

And again:

Journalist: “So he’ll lose voters if he says yes [to not confirming Kavanaugh?]”

Staff: “Oh, straight up, yeah.”

Journalist: “Are the people of Tennessee that ignorant?”

Staff: “Yeah.”

And best of all:

Staff: “Between you and me once Phil actually gets into the Senate, he’ll be a good Democrat.”

If you want a senator who believes conservative appointees are guilty until proven innocent, vote Bredesen. If you want a senator who will toe the Democratic party line, vote Bredesen. If you want a senator with contempt for Tennesseans, vote Bredesen.

Charles McCullough 

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Bredesen will be a Shumer lap dog. You vote for Bredesen and you vote for Shumer. 

Democrats are evil and not what they used to be. 

Our country is on its way back to the top.  Vote for President Trump's endorsed candidates and America will continue to grow with the citizens in charge and not the politicians.

Glen Pope

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I am looking forward to Roy Exum's mea culpa column where he admits that he was wrong about believing that ol' Phil was being truthful in his claim that he would have voted for Brett Kavanaugh.  Phil is just your typical politician telling voters what they want to hear just to get elected.  Hopefully, the potential voters who, along with Roy, believed Bredesen, will now realize they have been hoodwinked.  

I am not sure what is worse.  The shameful Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee that engaged in an organized smear of Judge Kavanaugh, or Phil Bredesen, who has tried to fool the good people of Tennessee with this calculated lie.

Jim Nelson 

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It's laughable if not discouraging that people find anything from Project Veritas to be credible. Nashville's News Channel 5 followed up on that video and properly identified it as misleading. Of course, there wouldn't be these sort of things released if Bredesen wasn't a threat.

As a former resident of Chattanooga, I am not surprised to see folks falling in line with Republican/Big Pharma/Trump shill Marsha Blackburn. Talk about contempt for Tennesseans.

Former Governor Bredesen has had a much more positive impact on the Volunteer State than Blackburn has had or ever will have.

Calling Bredesen a lapdog? Come on, we all know who the real lapdog is.

John Mitchell 

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While the article referred to earlier, written by Channel Five in Nashville, states that Mark Brown, with TN Victory 2018, said that two of the workers were just interns or volunteers, it also quotes officials from the TN GOP saying they “take issue with that statement, citing FEC filings showing that the two workers in the video were being paid staffers of the TN Democratic Party”. Let's not forget also, this was filmed in a Nashville Bredesen campaign office.

You can argue with Project Veratis' tactics, but video is not hearsay. And Project Veritas has uncovered many things in the past that we would not have known about otherwise.

Stan Conner

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Simply put, no one needs a Trump sycophant as senator for Tennessee. Marsha Blackburn’s whole campaign has been to except big money from Americans for Prosperity (Koch brothers) and other right-wing PACs to produce false and distorted ads against Phil Bredesen. Bredesen was mayor of Nashville and a two-term governor of Tennessee who received praise from state lawmakers from both political parties. His accomplishments in rebuilding Nashville and keeping Tennessee economically viable during one of the worst recessions in U.S. history were admirable.

As for Blackburn, her achievements during her term in Congress have been less than noteworthy to say the least. Her campaign ads erroneously stating that Bredesen wants a single-payer health care system makes an ambiguous claim that she has a better plan. Like what? Like what he have now from Republicans who work hard every day to completely kill the Affordable Care Act and cancel pre-existing condition coverage. The substance of those ads follows a pattern often projecting her foibles and failures unto her opponent much like her President. Her opioid plan for Tennessee is also very hard to believe especially since she co-sponsored a bill in Congress that limited the powers of the DEA to investigate and oversee the pharmaceutical industry’s mass distribution of the drugs. Congresswoman Blackburn is all-in on Trump. Whatever he pontificates she will parrot and support—even the continuation of this past two years of chaos and corruption. It’s all about Trump. Trump knows nothing about Tennessee. In fact, he thinks southerners talk with funny accents and aren’t very smart. Apparently that’s an acceptable statement to Blackburn.

At a Blackburn fundraiser Trump said, “A vote for Marsha is really a vote for me.” I’m not voting for a president right now, I’m voting for a senator who is focused on Tennesseans and their needs. That’s certainly not Marsha Blackburn.

Greg Williams

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