Who Is Behind Chattanooga Clergy For Justice? - And Response (3)

  • Monday, May 2, 2022

I had noticed that Chattanooga Clergy for Justice was cited in two news articles in the last week.  I was curious to learn more about this organization so I looked up their website.  Surprisingly, there is no phone number nor is there any individual affiliated with them.  It is not possible to get in touch with them to inquire about the nature of their work and to find out who is responsible for the organization.


Perhaps my web search was faulty.

But, if not, and in the absence of discovering  any substantial work,  I am not sure why they have any clout with the DA’s office, or any other government department.


Leah Geraghty

Signal Mountain


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Allow me to help you. Type in “Google” and then “Chattanooga Clergy for Justice.” And then this will pop up: https://chaclergyforjustice.weebly.com/

Looks legit to me. You’re welcome.

Bruce Garner


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After following the link that Mr. Garner provided, the website is definitely active and I guess legit as he put it.  However, there are no names or phone numbers under contact information and only a Gmail account as point of contact. 

I believe this is the point that Leah Geraghty was trying point out.  But in all fairness and after viewing the content on the site, I would not want my phone number or name associated with a hate site directed at our hard working law enforcement officers either.  The “Defund the Police” and “Prosecute the Police” signs in the photo under “their story” says it all.     

Chris Morgan

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Chris, I clicked on that link "Chattanooga Clergy For Justice." There's absolutely no hate in exposing the truth. Anyone can play with words-warping and twisting them to suit their own twisted logic. In the end truth will always prevail. That truth being Chattanooga, along with much of the rest of the nation, has long had a serious problems with its police and how some have been allowed to abuse their positions of power with impunity. No accountability whatsoever. Any citizen, myself included, who dared to open speak up and out became a target for retaliation. 

There's no need to go into all the details I personally endured. I've already written about them over the years to the Chattanoogan. Going live and speaking out openly was my only weapon of being able to protect myself.  I'm grateful to The Chattanoogan, because I know the owner too has endured a heckuva lot of flak for allowing my experience to be heard. 

Yes, Chattanooga, like much of the rest of the nation, has had serious problems with its police hires who've used their positions as a tool to abuse. And I don't want to hear that excuse about "every job has bad apples." As I've said before, no other field has the power to do so much damage during a simple chance encounter as the field of policing. 

Brenda Washington 

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