The Company Lab announced that Eric Ries, acclaimed entrepreneur, author, and pioneer of the Lean Startup movement, will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming CO.MOBILITY Summit on May 21. The Summit is an annual event known for showcasing world-renowned leaders who specialize in sustainable movement of goods, people, energy and data.
Mr. Ries is widely recognized for his groundbreaking work in helping startups and established companies alike, revolutionizing the way entrepreneurs approach product development and market validation.
"We are honored to welcome Eric Ries to Chattanooga for the CO.MOBILITY Summit 2024,” said CO.LAB CEO Tasia Malakasis. “His expertise in lean methodology and his vision for the future of mobility align perfectly with our mission to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in Chattanooga."
Mr. Ries will also be signing copies of his books ‘The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Business’ and ‘The Startup Way: How Modern Companies Use Entrepreneurial Management to Transform Culture and Drive’ at the CO.MOBILITY Summit, where The Company Lab will be providing free copies to the first 150 people who purchase tickets.
“The entrepreneur ecosystem in Chattanooga is one that shouldn’t be overlooked,” said Mr. Ries. “Chattanooga’s community is at the start of what could be a huge movement for innovation. Events like these play a crucial role in shaping the future of mobility and fostering collaboration among industry leaders."
The Summit’s main day of programming will take place at UTC. Tickets are currently on sale through May 21.