Upcoming City Council Agenda For Tuesday

  • Friday, May 24, 2024

Here is the upcoming City Council agenda for Tuesday:

I. Call to Order by Chairman Henderson.

II. Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation (Councilwoman Coonrod).

III. Special Presentations.

IV. Minute Approval.

V. Discussion of Agenda.

? Next Week’s Proposed Agenda Items

? Purchasing Questions

? Future Considerations (3 Week Look Ahead)

VI. Committee or Department Reports:

? DCA/CBID Budget Presentation - Steve Brookes

? Planning and Zoning Committee RECESS

Order of Business for City Council

“PUBLIC HEARING on FY2024-2025 Budget”


Ordinances – Final Reading: (None)

VIII. Ordinances – First Reading:


a. 2024-0050 Edifice Builds, LLC c/o Marylin Jones and May Caldwell (R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 4416 Jersey Pike, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone, subject to certain conditions. (District 5) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and Staff) (Deferred from 05-14-2024 and 05-21-2024) 2024-0050 Edifice Builds, LLC c/o Marylin Jones and May Caldwell (R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone property located at 4416 Jersey Pike, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-T/Z Residential Townhouse/Zero Lot Line Zone. (Applicant Version)

b. 2024-0052 Joseph Parks (R-1 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone). An ordinance to amend Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Zoning Ordinance, so as to rezone part of an unaddressed property in the 6100 block of Vance Road, from R-1 Residential Zone to R-3 Residential Zone. (District 6) (Recommended for approval by Planning Commission and Staff) (Deferred from 05-14-2024)

c. An ordinance amending Chattanooga City Code, Part II, Chapter 38, Division 27, Section 38-432, Definitions, relating to the Short Term Vacation Rental Overlay District Map in City Council District 1.


a. A resolution confirming the appointment of Evelyn Sims to represent District 3 on the Head Start Governing Board, with a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on June 4, 2026. (District 3)

b. A resolution confirming the appointment of Zelma Lansford to represent District 7 on the Parks & Outdoors Advisory Board, with a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on February 13, 2025. (District 7)


c. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Quitclaim Deeds conveying sixteen (16) certain or certain combinations of parcels, in substantially the form attached, to the approved highest bidders on properties of the City of Chattanooga and Hamilton County as acquired through previous delinquent tax sales.


d. A resolution authorizing revisions to the Employee Information Guide (EIG) policy 5.7 – Probationary Period, with related Table of Contents updates, to be effective upon approval.

e. A resolution authorizing a spend limit increase for year one of existing NovoaGlobal blanket agreement PA 100410 from $990,000.00 to $1,565,000.00 representing an increase of $575,000.00, for automated photo enforcement partnership invoices April 2024 through November 2024.


f. A resolution confirming Mayor Kelly’s appointment of Joseph Meadows to the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, for a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on June 4, 2028.

g. A resolution confirming Mayor Kelly’s reappointment of Scott Owens to the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, for a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on June 4, 2028.

h. A resolution confirming Mayor Kelly’s reappointment of Jacqueline Dowell to the Hamilton County Board of Equalization, for a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on June 4, 2026.

i. A resolution confirming Mayor Kelly’s appointment of Eric McRoy to the Community Advisory Committee: Lookout Valley (Region 1), for a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on June 4, 2026.

j. A resolution confirming Mayor Kelly’s reappointment of Jeremy Bradford to the Community Advisory Committee: Hixson (Region 8), for a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on June 4, 2026.

k. A resolution confirming Mayor Kelly’s appointment of Sean Besley to the Community Advisory Committee: Hixson (Region 8), for a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on June 4, 2026.

l. A resolution confirming Mayor Kelly’s appointment of Greg Goodman to the Community Advisory Committee: Hixson (Region 8), for a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on June 4, 2026.
m. A resolution confirming Mayor Kelly’s reappointment of Christie Morris to the Community Advisory Committee: Washington Hills (Region 10), for a term beginning on June 5, 2024, and ending on June 4, 2027.

n. A resolution authorizing the Mayor, or his designee, to apply for, and if awarded, to accept the Communities Sparking Investment in Transformative Energy (“C-SITE”) funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (“US DOE”) for an amount not to exceed $3.6 million, with no City of Chattanooga match; and will pass through the funds to the Chattanooga Housing Authority (“CHA”) to be allocated for improvements to the James A. Henry Community Center Facility.


o. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public Works to make payment to the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for the City’s share of the construction engineering and inspection (CEI) contract cost for Alfred Benesch & Company for the Walnut Street pedestrian bridge (E-13-002, PIN 128099.00), with the City’s portion in the amount of $163,434.80, for a total cost estimate of $817,174.00. (Districts 2 & 7)

p. A resolution authorizing the Administrator for the Department of Public Works to award Contract No. Y-23-006-201, Glenwood Community Center Helical Piers, to Kane Industries, LLC, of Chattanooga, TN, in the amount of $88,358.55, with a contingency in the amount of $8,500.00, for a total amount of $96,858.55. (District 9)

q. A resolution authorizing the appointment of Horton Dane Williams as a special commissioned police officer (unarmed) for the Department of Public Works, to perform duties expressly limited to enforcement of City Code, Chapter 31, Article VIII, Stormwater Management.

X. Purchases.

XI. Committee Reports.

XII. Recognition of Persons Wishing to Address the Council.

XIII. Adjournment.

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