Changing The Culture At Soddy Daisy High School? - And Response

  • Sunday, August 4, 2024

Beg your pardon. Why would the superintendent send out two of his minions to discuss changing the culture at SDHS? In my opinion, nothing at SDHS or in the city of Soddy Daisy, regarding the culture, needs to be changed. There are some other things that need to be changed at the high school, but not the culture.

This stems from a "tip" from a person that was unfounded. The school employee was found to be innocent after quite the punishment and yet we need to change the culture at SDHS? Baloney!

I say change the culture of the city school system. Notice, I said city. The county schools are no longer in charge. The only thing they get from the county is money and advice to certain schools on how to change their "culture." Baloney!

Speaking of money, how much did the big extravaganza cost the city schools on Friday? Let's see. Cost of busses, cost of the venue and the cost of lost time for teachers that wanted to get ready for their students next week. Plus, what, a wonderful box lunch. Who got that contract?

Can anyone answer these questions regarding our cash strapped city school system?

1. How much did it cost to bus the teachers to the venue?
2. How much did it cost to bus the teachers from the parking areas to the venue?
3. What was the cost of the venues?
4. What was the cost of lunch and who furnished it? Was it someone related to someone in the city schools? Was it baloney?

My suggestion to the folks in Red Bank, Soddy Daisy and East Ridge is to open and operate your own schools. People will say that's crazy, but it can be done. I suggested this several years ago.

I am sure the city school board members have an answer to the four questions above. Print it. All of it. Including donations. Please come up with something good. Other than baloney!

Ernie McCarson

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The district was clearly acting proactively to prevent potential issues. Let them do their jobs without interference. There is no city and county divide here; it's one unified Hamilton County School system. No school "culture" is flawless,  there’s always room for improvement. I fail to see the issue here.

The notion of city versus county is absurd and unproductive. It implies a false superiority. Numerous organizations, including police, fire, EMS, state troopers, and county commissioners, conduct in-service training every single year. Most teachers went back Monday, how much time do they need to set up a classroom, goodness. Spending records are public information; simply request the data. You have the resources to gather information online or you can attend school board meetings and ask them. 

Alternatively, if you have such strong opinions, run for a school board seat and enact change. We've heard enough ideas on this forum; it's time for action.

Christopher Cooper

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