Resolution Pulled To Designate "The Warren C. Mackey Boardwalk"

  • Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Commissioner Warren Mackey
Commissioner Warren Mackey

The County Commission on Wednesday pulled a resolution that had been on the agenda for a vote next week to name a Riverpark boardwalk for Commissioner Warren Mackey.

The resolution praised the service of Commissioner Mackey and said the RiverPark boardwalk off Amnicola Highway should be designated The Warren C. Mackey Boardwalk.

It was announced last month that an investigation by the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office "has resulted in the discovery of questionable activity" by a commissioner (identified as Commissioner Mackey).

Investigators said they determined the commissioner received at least $27,382.09 in questionable reimbursements through the county for purchases he made from his discretionary spending allowance. Investigators said they "question whether these reimbursements were legitimate business expenses for the benefit of the taxpayers and county."

Here is the resolution:


WHEREAS, since 2006, Warren C. Mackey has faithfully served as Commissioner representing the Fourth (4th) Hamilton County Commission District; and

WHEREAS, among the many accomplishments wherein he fiercely advocated for the constituents within said Fourth District, as well as the overall citizens of Hamilton County, was his providing from his discretionary funds the financial resources for the rescuing of the about-to-be foreclosed upon property where the Murray Hills Pool and Ball Park presently stands; and

WHEREAS, in the development of said Murray Hills Park, Warren C. Mackey personally designed the track, parking lot, landscaping, and the related benches and playground equipment, as well as the construction of sidewalks within the Murray Hills community; and

WHEREAS, separate and apart from those improvements made to and within said Murray Hills Park, Warren C. Mackey has consistently supported other programs aimed at improving community health and welfare, outdoor facilities, and street lighting, aimed at enriching the services being provided to the general population throughout Hamilton County, Tennessee; and

WHEREAS, in addition to his service on the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, Warren C. Mackey’s public service has included him having been President of the Central High School Alumni Association, and the Murray Hills Neighborhood Association; him having been appointed to and serving on the Board of the National Association of County Officials (“NACO”), which consists of elected county officials from all across these United States; being President of the Tennessee Association of County Commissioners, President of the Faculty Council at Chattanooga State Community College, and various other positions; and 

WHEREAS, this county legislative body feels that for his faithful service and contributions to the citizens of Hamilton County and beyond, special recognition should be bestowed upon said Warren C. Mackey, as a memorial for generations to come.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS COUNTY LEGISLATIE BODY IN SESSION ASSEMBLED: That this Resolution be passed in recognition and sincere appreciation to Warren C. Mackey for the many years and acts that he has rendered to the citizens and overall spirit within Hamilton County, Tennessee, and particularly the Fourth County Commission District; and that this county legislative body does hereby waive its previous prohibition and names the boardwalk located within the Hamilton County RiverPark, off of Amnicola Highway, as “The Warren C. Mackey Boardwalk”

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