Channel 3 Reaches New Low With Neal Pascal Hiring - And Response (15)

  • Friday, June 27, 2008

Could not believe my ears as I listened to WGOW yesterday and heard that Channel 3 had hired Neal Pascal. Having suffered the effects of Mr. Pascal's crooked dealings, it has been appalling that he got off with just a slap on the hand as he continued to walk around with a smirk on his face, or is that a smile, as he laughs at all the "little people" he screwed.

Channel 3 has truly reached a new low, and I am sure that this is the next step in their demise.

The number 3 is so appropriate for this station.

S. Cook

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I am appalled that Neal Pascal will be working for Channel 3. Channel 3 has made some very stupid decisions lately, what with laying off Matt Johnson, Leslie Dale, Will Carr and Webb Wright.

Now they're hiring convicted criminals?

Yet another reason to turn to the Chattanoogan for local news and weather reports.

Aubrey Buchannon

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Congratulations, Channel 3, for the recent hiring of Neal Pascal. He is a wonderful person whom my family has known for many years.

Also, he is an awesome weatherman, and my family will certainly be tuning in to Channel 3.

K. Schaerer

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So, allow me to get this straight, after serving the sentence handed down in a court of law, you think Mr. Pascal should have to go live in a cave and never work within his chosen profession again? Forgiving aren't you?

I have known Neal since 1989, and I consider him to be one of the finest individuals I have met. Sure he made a mistake, but he paid the price for that. He has been trying to return to our community and put that part of the past behind him. He has started one of the finest restaurants I have ever visited, and he has been contributing back to the community that he has grown to love so much. There will always be sour, self-righteous, holier-than-thou individuals who will stand in judgment over Neal, as they would anyone else who didn't measure up to their personal state of perfection.

Channel 3, WRCB, has some of the best people in Chattanooga working for them. Neal will be a blessing to their staff also. I look forward to seeing Neal say.."Paul said it would be like this." Congratulations, Neal, on your new position, I know you will do well. I, for one, am proud to call you my friend. Mr Tolar, you made a wise choice in hiring Neal for the weekend weather position.

Rod Dagnan

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I do not know Neal Pascal. I do know he was convicted of a white collar crime connected to the home mortgage industry. He lost his job, wife and reputation.

At least Neal is working and is not a burden to society. How you people can get upset over this action in our community and not be concerned with Rheubin Taylor's son. Yes, his son killed Tory Hardy. His son got house arrest. The charges were dropped to a lower type and his record cleaned. All for murder, and you all are upset over a mortgage felony? What a strange set of ethics you have.

Chuck Mehan
East Ridge

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Congratulations to Channel 3 for hiring Neal Pascal and shame on Channel 9 for letting him go.

Candy Frederick

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I applaud Channel 3 for giving Neal Pascal another opportunity as a weatherman. He and Paul Barys will make an unbeatable duo in weather forecasting.

If "Pacman" and Don Imus get second and third chances, then Neal is no less deserving of the same. At least he has been tried by the court and apparently has completed the conditions set by the judge.

Ed Hooper

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I was also surprised at that. But it just shows you can do wrong and get away with.

I'd love to see how much forgiveness will be given to Duke Franklin. Maybe after his trial and sentencing that will be handed down in a court of law, he can obtain a position on the county commission representing your district, Mr. Dagnan.

Denise Morris

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I must respond in defense of Channel 3 hiring Neal Pascal. How cruel some people can be. People make mistakes and Neal has paid his dues. I am very happy that he has been given a second chance.

I for one, and I would say he has many followers that have missed him, will be switching from Channel 9 to Channel 3.

Kudos to Channel 3 and best wishes to Neal Pascal.

M. Morgart
Soddy Daisy

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I completely agree with Roy Exum's opinion on Channel 3's hiring of Neal Pascal.

Channel 3 has gained another viewer.

Carol Arnhart

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In response to Channel 3 and Sarkes-Tarzian's decision to hire Neal Pascal, I must say, "How unbelievably reckless." To the few of you who have written either the Times or the Chattanoogan in support of Neal, you might want to check your facts before you offer your encouraging words. Neal made some mistakes in his past and he's paid the price for them. Fine. Justice served. However, do not even suggest that this man is composed of good moral fiber. Not when he was willing to take the employment away of a current Channel 3 employee for his own selfish gain.

It doesn't matter if Neal approached Channel 3, or if they approached him, he still willingly took a job from a young professional. Neal and Channel 3 made conscience decisions to blindside a current employee and knowingly take his job.

Chattanooga is a thriving town where young professionals want to live, work and play. In a city that markets themselves as "Sustainable," we need to provide for our future and current generations. Clearly the needs of our city and our young professionals are not on the minds of our current business leaders.

In my opinion, and in the minds of my co-workers, friends and family, Neal does not represent the values that we want associated with our city. Not just because of his past mistakes, but because he continues to make poor decisions without considering their impact on others.

Furthermore, anyone who would come to the defense of such behavior is equally reckless.

Mr. Exum, you were quick to come to Neal's defense and well as endorsing Mr. Tolar of Channel 3. You might want to digest the bigger picture before you voice your support. The citizens of Chattanooga are gentle and generally forgiving people. Much of the uproar over Neal's hiring doesn't have much to do with his past criminal activity. It does have everything in the world to do with leadership, honesty and most importantly integrity.

If you, Mr. Exum want to live, work, play and one day retire in a city where the youth will make wise decisions, where the economy is thriving, and your infrastructure is well maintained, then you might want to consider promoting honest and decent values in our citizens. It seems obvious to the most casual observer that Mr. Tolar and Mr. Pascal's decisions do not promote honesty and they certainly don't represent integrity.

This is a new day. Our young educated professionals have opinions. We're vocal and articulate and we will not sit back and watch the good old boy club make reckless decisions for our future. We also vote. We vote for leaders that support economic growth, stability, honesty, and integrity. I think our mayor would agree, that the voice of young professionals in Chattanooga matters. We are passionate about our cause and we will continue to raise these issues until our community leaders and business executives consistently display the values and character traits essential to the success of Chattanooga.

My friends, family and co-workers don't want to see Neal Pascal on TV. Not just because he made mistakes in the past, but because he is making a mistake now and he's doing so through the support of the good old boy club. Mr. Exum, Mr. Tolar - you are equally to blame. I, along with my friends, family and co-workers will continue to voice our disgust until you accept accountability and make better decisions for the people of Chattanooga.

Laura Dee

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Neal, Congrats on your new job at Channel 3. I think some people deserve a second chance. I no longer live in Chattanooga, but I look forward to going on Channel 3 website on the weekend and when I come home to Chattanooga to visit, I look forward to seeing Neal.

Way to go, Channel 3,for hiring Neal.

Patty Shirley

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Regardless of how great a guy Neal Pascal may be... dirty dealings are going on again at Channel 3. They blindsided Brian Travers and a handful of hardworking production people, fired them to hire Pascal.

Honestly, Channel 3's bosses are so shameful, it really is quite appropriate, they are doing whatever they can to surround themselves with one of their own.

Zane Waber

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I watched Neil Pascal for many years, and was so pleased to hear that he will be returning to television. There will always be people who choose to forget their own bad choices, Any person who judges others and believes that they have lived a life absent of any error in judgment is in a state of denial.

While it is true that Mr. Pascal made financial choices that were illegal, I have no doubt that he regrets these mistakes, and certainly the loss of employment, reputation, and legal battles equates to time served.

Does this act mean that he should not have the opportunity to use the skill and education he earned and possess? Absolutely not, stand up, ignore judgmental people, and get back to the weather, Neal.

Allison Graham

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Not just congrats to Neal and WRCB, but shame on WTVC for not having the backbone to stand up for the man.

I hope those of you who excel in your jobs for 20 years never have to face starting all over again.

Stay strong, Neal, we love you.

J.D. Flack

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Somehow, Neal Pascal has garnered sympathy while being the one who actually structured illegal mortgage deals, yet he walked free (sorry, under "home confinement" during which time he had to suffer through opening a restaurant, the poor dear) while others, including mortgage loan officers on the deals that Mr. Pascal structured, were sentenced to as much as three years in federal prison.

Pascal, knew darn well what he was doing was illegal and hoped he would not get caught. It is not like what he did was done on one property. There was a pattern of at least three years of such illegal activity as per court documents.

While I hold the loan officers and sellers accountable (ignorance of the law is not a defense), it is Mr. Pascal who orchestrated everything, yet never served a day in federal prison. Most people should get second chances 'after' they have fulfilled the penalty. Justice
still has not been served and that is the issue, "nice guy" or not.

I do hope Neal has not suffered too much. Maybe when he gets a chance, he can send a letter to Jay Ann Snyder, who is still in federal prison (and will be for another year) from working with Mr. Pascal. Maybe he can even throw in a few certificates for a free meal or two at his restaurant.

Joel Walker

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