Bridge Consulting International, LLC (Bridge) awarded the “Teaching Excellence Grant” to Fairyland Elementary School Wednesday during the Walker County Partners for Educational Progress (WACOPEP) Vision Breakfast event held at Fairyland Elementary. The $2,500 grant will support the professional development of Fairyland Elementary teachers and administrators for the 2010-2011 school year. The grant funds will be used for leadership and professional development seminars, regional site visits to other schools in the area to gather ideas and best practices and the establishment of an Education Leadership Book Club for the professionals of Fairyland School to discuss teaching methods and classroom management techniques on an ongoing basis.
“On behalf of Bridge Consulting International, I am pleased to present Fairyland Elementary School with this year’s ‘Teaching Excellence Grant’ award,” said Jenny Whitener, chief executive of Bridge, U.S. “Educators play a key role in shaping the next generation’s future, and I commend Principal Roerdink and his team for recognizing the importance of empowering teachers to lead well through professional development opportunities.”
Fairyland Elementary School Principal Jeremy Roerdink said, “The ‘Teaching Excellence Grant’ and partnering with Bridge Consulting International will help Fairyland Elementary School define a set of goals and beliefs that will unite all of our students, staff, parents and community in becoming one of the best schools in the state of Georgia. We can only achieve this goal if we have a clear vision of what we want our school to be in the future. Bridge will help us build a strong foundation for bringing this vision to life."
According to the American Society for Training and Development's 2010 State of the Industry study, the average annual expenditure on learning and development per employee for all companies surveyed in 2009 was $1,081. In contrast, the allotted funds for professional development this year at Fairyland Elementary School amounted to less than $100 per educator.
Inspired by the Public Education Foundation's (PEF) work in Hamilton County and her service on PEF's Leadership Fellows Initiative selection committee, Ms. Whitener believes a similar vision for teacher improvement and education enhancement can be carried forward in Walker County.
Ms. Whitener said, “With so many schools facing funding challenges, it is essential for the business community to come alongside and provide additional support. Bridge’s ‘Teaching Excellence Grant’ and similar efforts from fellow WACOPEP businesses are certainly steps in the right direction.”
Principal Roerdink said, “We are thankful that Bridge Consulting International is a business that is committed to, and values education in the NW Georgia and Tennessee area. Their investment in our schools and to our teachers is a model for all businesses to follow that strengthens education and the future of our students in Walker County."
Jenny Whitener (left) and Principal Roerdink with teacher Jennifer Roberson Davis.