Tim Boyd Will Represent The Common Man - And Response

  • Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I would like to show my support for Tim Boyd for our District 8 commissioner.  He deserves to have our support because he has stood up to represent the common man and not the super block of politicians.   

He tells it like it is and I believe he deserves another term.  I also believe that the average voting citizen will see the way he has represented our district with his true conservative values and no tax increase without absolute valid reason policy.  

You don’t have to worry about Tim to represent us well.  I ask that you help support Tim Boyd with your vote.   

Richard L. Elrod 

* * * 

Over the past year, I have had the pleasure of getting to know Commissioner Tim Boyd, both professional and personally.  I can honestly say, that he is a sincere, caring, and loyal man who fights for, not only those living in District 8, but for all of the citizens in Hamilton County. 

When it comes to this election, his opposition would like you to think that he is a detriment to this community, which is simply untrue.  What you need to know is that he refuses to give in to the political malfeasance that has plagued this county for years and because of this, he has been labeled (by certain unscrupulous elected officials) as an outsider and someone that doesn't "play well with others."  The truth is, when something doesn't seem right, he asks questions.  When he doesn't get straight answers, he asks more and more questions until his constituents get the answers and respect they deserve. He works hard and fights every day to do what is right for the people of Hamilton County, no matter how many feathers he ruffles. 

Recently, there was a published comment stating that Tim, "was the lone dissenting vote on a proposed recreation use of trails in Enterprise Park."  What the person making this comment failed to mention is that the "proposed recreation use" they were referring to are horse trails - horse trails.  As a taxpayer and registered voter, there is no way I would ever agree to spending an obscene amount of money on horse trails (and their upkeep) at Enterprise Park.  With all of the other issues going on in this county, don't you think that money is better spent elsewhere?  Tim Boyd thinks so. 

What the people of District 8 really need to be asking themselves is, "Why would an 80 year old man be choosing to run in this election?  Is it really because he wants to "fix" what is wrong with Hamilton County?  Is it because he just loves all of us so very much?  Or is there a more devious explanation - or individual(s) - behind it all?  I certainly do not know the answer.   

What I do know is that this community needs to continue to move forward.  We need to finally break free from the chokehold that has been applied for years by what could be referred to as a "good ol' boys club."  With all due respect to Mr. Curtis, neither of these things will happen if he is re-elected as District 8 commissioner. 

Jessica Thomas
District 8 Resident

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