I Back Jim Hammond 110 Percent - And Response (3)

  • Wednesday, September 16, 2015

In 2005 I was the vice chair of a political action committee called SEPAC. Jim Hammond was living in Jordan training the police, and I got an email from him requesting to speak to our group when he came back to the states. The meeting room was full when he spoke to the SETPAC members and guest. He told us then what he is speaking about now, and guess what folks, we now have 10 years of proven facts that have come true. These so called leaders had better wake up.  The proof is in the pudding. 

I stand with the sheriff 110 percent and if you value your family's lives, you had better reevaluate this issue; it's not going away by itself. 

Charlie Hunt

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Charles Hunt has it right for support of Sheriff Hammond.  I second that support. 

This dizzy liberal notion that it is southern impolite to call Islamic terrorism, Islamic terrorism is absurd. Our American servicemen were targeted and murdered.     

Lone wolf attacks under the color of jihad, meaning covert or kill all non-believers of Islam, is an act of hate, no different than a Ku Klux Klan.   These dizzy liberals have no problem calling the Klu Klux Klan a hate group, as they truly are.   Committing acts of violence against any person or person(s) due solely to their race, religion, gender, nationality is an act of hate.  

I beg to differ with the notion that it is impolite to object to violence carried out under the color of a religion that teaches jihad. It is not Islam phobia if they really killing Americans on American soil.  Carrying out jihad violence is act of hate, anyway you dice it.  Why attack Sheriff Hammond for stating the obvious?  No apology is warranted for our sheriff.  I admire his candor. 

I will not forget 911 or the continuing acts of violence carried out against America under jihad in Boston and Chattanooga. Our freedom is being veiled with fear of Islamic terrorism.   Sheriff Hammond has a duty to monitor hate groups in Hamilton County.  Jihad is hate. 

The insurgence of these mosques is quite interesting and the funding sources.  I was reading a report online about the funding that is concerning to me, and I expect our government to monitor this closely. 

No apologies are due to any Islamic groups. When a person or person(s) seek to murder Christians and Americans, they are by definition a hate group. 

Thank you for your service, Sheriff Hammond. 

April Eidson 

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The news I read said a young man bankrupt with drug and alcohol issues who was a follower of Islam did this deed. That is the  story as FBI and local police agencies chose to report it through our press. 

That our sheriff  speaks and leaves out substance abuse issues and serious financial problems makes me wonder if there is pre-judgement in his remarks others so vigorously defend.  Mr Hammond knows first hand the ravages of drugs and alcohol with his occupation.  He worked a multiple murder April, 2014 with seven drug related casualties. Hopefully he can cut through his views and protect the law abiding majority of this community no matter what their faith, culture or color of skin. That is the lesson he was taught in civics class and in criminal justice school.

One thing I know for sure, Mr. Hammond learned in Jordan, it is a monarchy and the security side of that state has much better rights than the populace. It is neither a republic or a democracy. Winston Churchill had a good quote about democracy regarding the average voter. That is a another topic. 

Prentice Hicks 

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When discussing the merits of any religion, “The Golden Rule” could possibly be, the finest guideline ever written. This principle of fairness embraced by Christianity, promotes goodwill toward other folks and encourages us to abide our differences. 

This rule’s fair consideration of others, even those of a different faith, is well understood. But, because we believe in “Do unto others” many Christians wrongfully assume that all religions are like-minded when it comes to tolerating people of another faith. Holding on to this naïve assumption may result in the total destruction of all Western beliefs, religious and secular. 

Recently, Sheriff Hammond spoke about the need for keeping a watchful eye out for potential terror threats in Tennessee. Even though he said this out of concern for peaceful people from all walks of life. Some of the knee-jerk responders, wishing to appear inclusive and not xenophobic, condemned his comments without considering if his words of caution could be the result of being exposed to a harsh and brutal religious doctrine which demands that all Kafirs (non-believers) must convert, pay extortion or die? Or is it because of all of the very gruesome acts of terror committed lately, by this religion of peace? 

Some verses from this religious faction, disclosed before their ranks grew strong, did counsel tolerance of other faiths, but these were later abrogated when this group gained the upper hand and were replaced by very harsh and demanding tenets of this doctrine. The milder and more inclusive early tenets of this faction are the ones that have been and still are quoted to seem all loving and fair. They are encouraged, no, they are actually required to deceive others until they gain the upper-hand. 

This religious deception known as taqiyya was and is practiced by this offshoot faction to deceive other religions about their aim to dominate the world. However, when they gain a firm foothold and can establish “the right path law,” already in place in some areas in America and Europe, then they demand conversion to their way of thinking, or be subjugated as legal inferiors to this religion and pay jizya (the subjugated dhimmis poll tax) paid by People of the Book (Jews and Christians) Basically, pay extortion to be allowed to live, yet agree to be humiliated under their religious law. The nature of this law poses a threat to all of Western civilization. 

Thank you Sheriff Hammond, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Hunt and Ms. Eidson for your concern and your candid remarks about the menacing aspect of this religion’s agenda. 

James A Bolt


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