Roy Exum: Vulgar Trump & More

  • Tuesday, January 16, 2018
  • Roy Exum
Roy Exum
Roy Exum

Nothing rankles me more than seeing obscenities and vulgarity that appears in today’s liberal media, not to dare mention our public forum. Understand, I will use “damn” when no other word will fit as well. I’ll use “hell” as an exclamation point sometimes and I also may quote an aggressor in a story where he threatens to whip another’s “ass.” But our President reached an all-time low the other day when he used a filthy, vulgar term for no good reason. He is the leader of our country, and I stand behind him, but the biggest rule a parent should always remember is “Never embarrass your child.”

Embarrass yourself all you please -- that’s all on you -- but your child shouldn’t be judged on your behavior because the child can’t defend it. Trump just embarrassed himself – once again -- with his bully’s stance but also, this too willfully by my gauge, he embarrassed our country and all of its people. The United States should insist on a much higher standard. We are the greatest country in the history of all mankind and for even one of us to play in life’s gutter is inexcusable. Donald Trump clearly owes the people, including those who struggle to stand with him, his deepest apology. Every day the overwhelming majority of us strive to be the best we can be. For our president to give all the young boys and girls in our nation the impulse to go wash their hands is unfathomable.

In the 50 years I have been a reporter, I have heard those in power, both male and female athletes, and other public figures use far worse language than the public could ever imagine. But it was a comment, a dirty joke, or an expletive caused by shock. I’ve ignored it all of my life because of this: I will not allow anyone to drag my readers into their sewage. I will respect and shield my readers forever, I hope. If I thought for a second that a pair of 13-year-old female twins might be influenced by profanity in my stories, I would get out of this business. I have a son and daughter and grandchildren. Strike me dead if they should ever hear such filth come from their dad’s mouth or mine.

If President Trump continues such boorish behavior, he too should get out of business. He must never forget just who the American people are, and what we have stood for, be it at Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor or any Olympic Games you can recall. We are about excellence, “the gold” in every way, every day. If Donald Trump wants to characterize himself as the devil incarnate I can’t help that, but he should never puff his chest so full he that he speaks with such vile filth on the behalf of you, me, and all of the American people.

Again, this is Trump at his worst, and those who elected him all wince in shame and disgust. He needs to throw that insane Tweeter habit as far as he can into the Potomac, begin medicinal therapy or whatever, but – above all -- “never embarrass your children.”

Now, a disclaimer: I do not know where the comment was made, with whom it was shared with, or even if it is true. But I am aware there are those in America – especially the Left in the media – who thrive on degrading our President in any way they can. They will break laws to put a dent in our president. Over half who criticize are worse than him. How they shave, looking in any mirror, is a wonder. Always consider the source these days and what many, it seems, have done to their female colleagues. Thus, it most certainly comes as no surprise the liberal media is having a field day and they’ll break every rule of dignity to hurt Trump.

One more journalism rule: Profanity has no place in a story because, if omitted by the writer, the story changes in no way unless it is about profanity itself, which very few would read. Also, in many more cases than not, profanity is a clear sign of ignorance.

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In the last 15 years, the American people have given $30 billion (with a “b”) to the country of Pakistan – easily one of our worst enemies. The place is the world’s capital for terrorists and you’ll recall that when our Navy SEALS took out Osama bin Laden, the vermin was killed in the Hazara region of Pakistan. Trump will no longer put up with Pakistan’s arrogance and will make huge cuts in that country’s foreign aid.

The United States is also slashing half of $125 million in a support payment of Palestinian refugees in an attempt to force Palestine to resume peace talks to Israel. The talks have been frozen for years due to Palestine’s refusal but they sure do like U.S. dollars. Nikki Haley, our ambassador to the UN, wanted to cut all of it but Secretary of Defense James Mattis said it would threaten stability in the Middle East.

“We pay the Palestinians HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year and get no appreciation or respect,” Trump Tweeted. “But with the Palestinians no longer willing to talk peace, why should we make any of these massive future payments to them?”

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Arizona, Tennessee and South Carolina are leading a massive charge in the U.S. to drug test the unemployed but on Friday the Trump administration supported a Medicare plan in Kentucky that has sharp teeth. Adults between the age of 19 and 26 “must complete 80 hours of community engagement” to keep their care. Medicare recipients must have a job, be in school full-time, take a job training course or volunteer for an “approved” community service.

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin believes, “There is a dignity associated with earning the value for something that you receive. The vast majority of able-bodied men and women want the dignity to earn and have engagement.”

The new rules, which will save the state an estimated $300 million over the next five years, will affect approximately 90,000 Kentuckians and state officials admit there is wide resentment for “giving lazy and undeserving people health care” in the Commonwealth.

The Trump administration will allow other states to impose work requirements so a number are poised to follow.

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When Hurricane Maria slammed Puerto Rico, the storm created a horrible circumstance – almost all IV bags and fluids come from the island so with a horrible flu season now at its peak, a huge shortage of fluids are affecting hospitals all over the country.

Whenever it is practical, in-patients are being given Gator-Aid (not in IVs, dummy!). But the sports drink is apparently the best alternate method and is why any family with a flu suffered should keep as much Gatorade on hand as possible.

Just so you’ll know, the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic averages using about 34,000 IVs every month.

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Not everybody in Abilene, Texas, is excited as a new Hooter’s Restaurant is opening in town. Officials at Abilene Christian University have asked their coeds “to consider both what Hooters represents and whether that is something they really want to support in terms of their faith and the value this business model places on women.”

In a statement, a Hooters spokesperson said the chain “is committed to supporting the communities in which we operate and we specialize in a welcoming environment for all of our employees and guests.”

The statement included, “For years we have actively raised money for numerous initiatives, including $5.3 million for breast cancer research and more than $3.1 million in tuition reimbursement to our employees.”

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A Texas man, John Walker Drinnon, couldn’t stand still after he spied a 19-point deer near the Oklahoma border so he bagged the big buck. Trouble was, he shot the deer in an archery-only county in Texas and as word spread like mad over his trophy kill, Game and Fish came calling.

At first he denied the incident and soon a picture surfaced. Then he claimed he shot the deer on the Oklahoma side of Lake Texoma. But his story – to use a pun – was full of holes and the judge was not amused.

The man now faces $18,050 in fines, is not allowed to have a hunting license for five years, and – get this – when deer season is open in Texas, the happy hunter must serve every weekend during the season in jail … also for the next five years.

Deer season in Texas is usually from the first of November until January 15. Merry Christmas!

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