The Collegedale Community survey is in its final stretch and the city wants to remind all residents who have received mailers to take a few minutes to fill out the survey.
“I want to thank everyone who has taken the survey,” said Collegedale City Manager Wayon Hines. “We hope that more residents will take a few minutes to share their opinions regarding the services we provide and what they believe we should focus on in the coming years. The more feedback we receive, the better informed our decisions will be in the future.”
Open participation will begin today and continue through Feb. 25. The link to the survey is available on the city’s website and all city social media platforms.
Anyone wanting more information or needing general assistance may call the city’s Survey Administrator Kirsten Ert at 423-206-9598. Access to devices and the internet is available at the Collegedale Library. Stop by the library Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Friday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. or Saturday and Sunday from 1-5 p.m.
The City has partnered with independent consultant Polco to administer the survey, which includes questions about quality of life, important characteristics of the community and services provided by the City of Collegedale. "The instrument, known as the National Community Survey, is a cost-effective survey of resident opinion and an important benchmarking tool that allows for comparison among communities," officials said. "Communities using the NCS have reported that the tool improved service delivery, strengthened communications with community stakeholders and helped leaders identify clear priorities for use in strategic planning and budget setting." The survey is available both in English and Spanish.
The final deadline to submit responses is Feb. 25 for both, randomly selected residents who received the mailers and participants of the open participation survey online.