Chattanooga Polar Plunge Benefitting Special Olympics Returns Saturday

  • Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Over 100 Special Olympics Tennessee supporters, athletes, friends and family members are set to jump into the chilly pool this year at Chattanooga’s annual Polar Plunge. Happening on Saturday, the event will take place at The Green in downtown Chattanooga. Check-in will begin at 10 a.m. with the plunging commencing at 11:30 a.m.

The event will also host its annual costume contest, available for both group and individual parties, with judging occurring prior to the plunge at 11 a.m. Abbey Markus of 103.7 KISS-FM will be this year’s emcee. Those interested in plunging can still register on the Special Olympics Tennessee website.

“I’ve participated in at least 10 plunges,” said Patrice Schermerhorn of Chattanooga, Special Olympics volunteer and long-time advocate. “It’s not that bad. Just do it once, you won’t know until you try.”

Ms. Schermerhorn volunteered with SOTN at the 2022 USA Games in Orlando, Fl. as their medic. A few months later, she jumped into the waters of Antarctica, raising over $500 for SOTN.

All participants are asked to raise a minimum of $75 in donations prior to participation in the chilly event. Participants' fundraising money supports athletes in the greater Chattanooga area. Supporters will also receive prizes based on the amount of money raised. All plungers will receive the 2023 Polar Plunge Tennessee long-sleeve shirt. Other goods range from stainless steel tumblers to wireless chargers, to a 45 qt YETI Cooler.

The public is invited to come watch and cheer on participants during the event. Admission is free.

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