You Can't Make This Up - And Response (2)

  • Thursday, June 8, 2023

File this under Verse 473 of you couldn't make this up. After destroying one of our most beautiful states and city, Washington Democrats decided they needed a new director of "Equity." They hired an apparently eminently qualified African-American woman who even had a Medical Degree, Dr. Karen Johnson.

What could go wrong? Oops, the qualified candidate was fired yesterday. The reason, well apparently she didn't like Hispanics, white people or obese women. The director of Equity was fired for racism.

I told you no way anybody could make this up. Imagine that, a black person is a racist. Who would have ever thunk it?

Douglas Jones

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Dr. Karen Johnson is NOT a medical doctor.

“Karen holds a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy, a master’s in public administration, and doctorate in Urban Services. She is a Certified Diversity Executive and member of the 2018 Leadership Women America cohort.” Washington State Office of Equity.

Also, she is not listed as an MD or DO on the Washington state license verification website.

The remainder of the opinion is pretty accurate. Sadly.

Gerald K. Brocker, MD


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Thanks to Dr. Brocker for pointing out Mr. Jones' error of research, that being that Dr. Karen Johnson, the subject of Mr. Jones letter, is not a medical doctor.

It would have been nice had Mr. Jones included his sources for his letter.  However, because of Dr. Brocker’s correction, I was curious about the accuracy other points in Mr. Jones’ letter.

Mr. Jones stated “The director of Equity was fired for racism.”

Dr. Johnson was not fired for racism as Mr. Jones; Mr. Jones is exceptionally incorrect.

A Google search returned an article published by NBC affiliate K5 in Seattle.  Another Google search for “Dr. Karen Johnson fired for racism” returned an article by 770KTTH Conservative Talk Radio, also in Seattle, authored by Jason Rantz. A third Google search “Jay Inslee fires Dr. Karen Johnson” returned an article by The Olympian, a McClatchy Newspaper in Washington’s Capital, Olympia. 

All three articles did not state that Dr. Johnson was fired for racism.  Even Fox News stated Dr. Johnson was fired “amid accusations of running a hostile work environment and racism”, but did not say she was fired for racism.

NBC K5 reported on May 22 that a spokesman for Governor Jay Inslee’s office cited high turnover and budgetary concerns as reasons for Dr. Karen Johnson's firing. Johnson said was fired for shaking up state government.

NBC K5 reported on May 31 an investigation by the Washington State Office of Financial Management has shed more light on what Governor Inslee called "problems" with the first director of the Office of Equity's tenure. That investigation concluded that Johnson micromanaged staff, was disorganized and lacked adequate structure and processes, made unreasonable requests of staff, made inappropriate or insensitive comments to some staff members and publicly criticized some staff members regarding issues unrelated to protected classes.  Investigators also found "credible examples" of Johnson making inappropriate comments about the personal appearances of staff and their bodies, as well as "comments about a staff person’s ethnicity, race, and/or veteran status."

From the KTTH article, authored by Jason Rantz: The State retained MFR Law Group PLLC to conduct an independent investigation of Johnson’s alleged conduct. Their investigation said seven current and former members of OOE staff complained of workplace conduct and insensitive comments by Johnson.  The bulk of the complaints were frivolous and focused on Johnson’s management style. Complainants said Johnson didn’t provide clarity for the work they were meant to do, and that she micromanaged staff. Others complained that the workload forced them to sacrifice a healthy “work/life balance.” But there were also complaints about Johnson’s “biased and insensitive conduct” concerning her language and treatment of employees. Some are legitimate complaints, while others are ludicrous.

I wonder why Mr. Jones saw it necessary to state “After destroying one of our most beautiful states and city, Washington Democrats decided they needed a new director of "Equity."

Blaming Washington Democrats for “destroying one of our most beautiful states and city” has absolutely nothing, zero, nada, zip to do with the hiring or firing of Dr. Johnson. 

“Imagine that, a black person is a racist” was the sarcastic conclusion of Mr. Jones.  What Mr. Jones makes exceptionally clear is his disdain, dislike, distaste, loathing, repugnance, or even hate for Democrats.  People like Mr. Jones foster and further the divide among us. 

Will Mr. Jones will be as equally anxious to write about any firing or resignation for racism or racist remarks of a white person in a red State? 

I don’t recall him writing about the resignation of a McCurtain County, Ok. Commissioner who was recorded making racist statements with the county’s sheriff and deputies.  The Ok. Sheriff's Association has suspended the membership of the sheriff, but he and his deputies continue to work.

Nor did he write about the story published by WLBT, Jackson, MS on July 20, 2022 that the Lexington, Ms. police chief was fired for making racist statements.

I guess that answers my question.

Joe Warren

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