I live at Alexian Village, Signal Mountain. I want to express my appreciation for the response by the Signal Mountain Fire Department, SM Police, Hamilton County Sheriff, Walden Ridge Fire, Red Bank Fire, Dallas Bay, Chattanooga and Dunlap Fire following the lightning strike and subsequent fire to part of the center lodge building on May 6. I counted over 20 emergency response vehicles on site that morning.
Fortunately no resident apartments were directly affected. The resident director and other staff immediately went to work to mitigate the impact of the damage in the kitchen and dining area on the hundreds of residents. ServPro has been on campus for several days now resolving smoke and water damage. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
The food service staff has been inventive and creative to ensure residents who depend on their meals from the Alexian kitchen were prepared and served in the limited space available. It has been tough on everyone and patience and understanding is needed as this is worked through. Just another bump in the road.
Chris Cole
Resident, Alexian Village