The Photographic Society of Chattanooga will present Clay Thurston on Thursday, Aug. 15. Mr. Thurston’s presentation will be, “Photography as Art and Fun.”
Join Boot Camp at 6 p.m. Milton McLain will be discussing, “Taking and Processing Infrared Photos on Phone Cameras.” Be in the Boot Camp classroom and seated by 6 p.m. for safety reasons, due to the room configuration.
The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. at the St. John United Methodist Church, 3921 Murray Hills Dr.
in Chattanooga. Visitors are always welcome.
For more information call 423-344-5643 or e-mail Lin Prabish at For more information about the Photographic Society of Chattanooga, visit
About the presenter:
Clay Thurston has been a wildlife and nature photographer for over 30 years and can't imagine doing anything more rewarding. He has had a chance to photograph many parts of the world and at the same time has many more parts to go. His main interest seems to have become birds, although he enjoys photographing just about everything. You can view his work on his website,