Scenic City Women’s Network is ringing in the New Year with Doris Collier, CEO of Magic Feet LLC, as guest speaker for the January Marketplace Luncheon, Jan. 23 at noon at The Walden Club, 633 Chestnut St. #2100 in Chattanooga. A plated meal and refreshments will be served.
January Marketplace Luncheon registration is $30 and open to the public. Space is limited and registration ends January 21. Register online
here, or call 423-698-6262.
About the speaker:
Doris Collier resides in Chattanooga and will soon celebrate her 40th wedding anniversary to Nathan Collier, a retired ER physician.
She is the mother of two sons and a daughter, and is GiGi to five "grand angels," who all live in Chattanooga. Ms. Collier is the business owner and CEO of an international company, Magic Feet, LLC, that provides ergonomic insoles to manufacturing companies.
She is a graduate of Winter Park High School in Winter Park, Fl., and received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Alabama in Birmingham. In her spare time, Ms. Collier is an actress. Twelve years ago, a movie producer who offered her a role in her first movie discovered her on Facebook. Since then, she has completed eight movies and one TV series. She has been published in Christian Film Stars about her life and movie career.
Ms. Collier attends Silverdale Baptist Church, where she and her husband have served on many medical mission trips in Jamaica, Honduras, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and Mexico. Foreign mission work is her passion. Ms. Collier is also the chairman of the board for the ladies ministry, Raising Dreamers, where they host weekend ladies retreats all across the United States.
Her favorite quote is by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggles, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
Doris Collier