The Cult Of Hoaxes

  • Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A political party is defined as a group with similar political positions who field candidates for elective offices who hold those same positions.

One definition of a cult is an obsessive devotion to something including  practices that might be regarded as sinister. Cults once were religious but today they can be political. And cult members’ lack of restraint can be just as dangerous as the cults of the past. Such is the state of the radical left in pursuit of political goals based on hoaxes.

So when did a political party morph into a cult, a cult of hoaxes? Actually it has been brewing for years but the nation’s rejection of Hillary Clinton and election of Donald Trump ignited an almost fanatic zeal sparking the current cult of hoaxes. That spark is often referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

Hillary was expected to win but Bolshevik Bernie forced her to spend a lot of money and energy she didn’t have left to use against Trump. An NBC poll revealed the less people knew about Bernie, his Marxist leanings and vast wealth, the more likely they would support him. These “low information” folk liked his promises of free stuff and didn’t care how he paid for it.

Then the Deep State Cabal that mangled Hillary’s e-mail scandal was turned against Trump. For two years it was  Russian collusion. Yes Russians did try to meddle in our election as they had tried before, but the scheme the left hatched was a hoax. Failing at that the same villains raised the obstruction hoax. Even now Jerry Nadler in Congress struggles to brew up some new hoax to impeach the president. 

Just recently, MSNBC activist Lawrence O’Donnell, aka Lawrence of Deliria, again proved TDS is driving the cult of the hoax. By his own admission, O’Donnell made an on air damaging charge against the President which was unconfirmed and not approved by his editor. His “retraction” was only an admission of his own unprofessionalism. Leaving the impression the slur was  true, he said he just couldn’t confirm it yet. The story was out there now for the members of the cult who believe anything negative about Trump. They did the same thing last year, lacking any evidence, with a series of hoaxes designed to ruin Justice Kavanaugh. And then they did it again when they falsely portrayed the high school student from Kentucky with the MAGA hat on at the Lincoln Memorial.

Now in the election cycle  like the Loch Ness monster, the cult rears it’s ugly head from the depths of gloom and doom of Climate Change. Of course climate changes, it’s been doing that since the beginning. Egypt was once green and fertile, England had vineyards and may again, coastlines drastically change, islands appear and disappear, Bronze Age settlements are under the Black Sea and fully preserved human remains have been found in the Alps and Western China as climates moderate and snow or sand shifts.

But human activity, in spite of what foundation financed, so-called experts say, can’t compete with unpredictable shifting ocean currents and geothermal changes deep inside the earth, volcanic activity, sunspots, tornados or hurricanes on a global scale. And Bill Nye is no more a climate expert than was Clarabell the Clown on The Howdy Doody Show. Nye is an actor who sued Disney over his salary as an entertainer. But the Cult of the Hoax regards him and others like him as authorities on man made Climate Change and hang on their every word.

What other hoaxes will the Cult dredge up? The good news is more TVs will be tuned to Nickelodeon, Animal Planet, the Food Channel and HGTV than CNN, aka the Hoax Central. But what always happens when all their frightening predictions or unsubstantiated slurs are wrong? 

Ralph Miller 

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