Michelle Sledge
Out of over 900 Running Clubs across the US, Michelle Sledge, president of the Chattanooga Track Club, earned the distinction of being the Road Runners Club of America 2002 Club President of the year.
Ms. Sledge lead the CTC as president in addition to being the race director for their largest race, the
Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon, for the past two years.
"Emerging from the pandemic, Michelle spent countless hours leading the dedicated teams of volunteers to their most successful year yet," officials said.
Based on the Chattanooga Track Club’s record race participation, membership growth, community engagement, expanded youth participation and volunteer outreach, Ms. Sledge’e leadership was nationally recognized.
Ms. Sledge said, “I am honored by the national recognition for serving as the Chattanooga
Track Club president, hosting thousands of runners in over a dozen events each year from one to
100 miles around Chattanooga and North Georgia.”
With over 500 members supporting 15 CTC races throughout the year with racers ranging from
elites to casual walkers, plus training programs and group runs, the Chattanooga Track Club
saw record participation. Racers from three to 83 strove to meet their fitness goals and showcase
their training efforts in 2022.
"The Chattanooga Track Club is a 50+ year old nonprofit organization dedicated to stimulating
interest in running and fitness for all ages and to promoting wellness through these activities," officials said. The club encourages anyone with similar interests to become a member and support our goals. The club pursues this goal through a number of activities including weekly group
runs, annual road races, youth programs and social events."
For more details on CTC races and membership go to www.chattanoogatrackclub.org.