“The Play’s the Thing,” translated from the original Hungarian by P. G. Wodehouse, is the winter offering of the Signal Mountain Playhouse, running Feb. 14, 15, 21, 22, 28 and March 1.
"The show is sure to please with its clever plot and dramatic characters," officials said.
It’s been called a “sly rom-com of errors” by doting critics.
The venue is the MACC (Mountain Arts Community Center) on Signal Mountain at 809 Kentucky Ave., just off the main Mountain highway.
The box office opens at 7 p.m., with curtain at 8 p.m. Tickets are sold at the door and are $10 for students who can show a valid school ID, and $15 for all others. The Playhouse accepts cash, checks and Venmo.
Directing is award winning screen writer Michelle Ford, and the actors are Playhouse veterans, along with one newcomer. They are Derrick Raley (playwright, Sandor Turai); Devin Laman (Turai’s collaborator); Claire Curtis Spangenberg (opera diva, Ilona Szabo); Justin Forsythe (a composer and Ilona’s fiancé); Andrew Parker (an actor, Almady); Sarah Jackson (Johanna, a servant); and C. J. Beiter (Mell, the secretary to the Count whose castle the entourage is visiting).
The plot involves an overheard conversation that ramps up tensions as the characters react to mistaken conclusions. This confluence of emotions presented in “The Play’s the Thing” have been entertaining audiences around the world for 98 years.
For more information about “The Play’s the Thing,” go to smph.org, the Playhouse page on Facebook, email signalmountainplayhouse@gmail.com or call 423-763-7219.