Stuart James: It's The Republican Way Or The Highway

  • Monday, June 5, 2006
  • Stuart F. James

On Sunday, June 4, 2006, the Chattanooga Times Free Press printed an editorial asking the rhetorical question, "What do Democrats propose?" In the editorial, the Free Press notes that "despite there having been no terrorist attacks within the United States since 9/11, despite a booming economy that is lifting nearly everyone, despite his tax cuts for everyone who pays income taxes, despite the fact that serious problems of our world not having a direct negative effect on most Americans personally, President George W. Bush is suffering declining popularity in the polls."

The editorial goes on to point out several other issues that create dissatisfaction with President Bush. The editorial says "but much of the dissatisfaction about President Bush probably can be summed up in three issues...." The editorial identifies the issues as high gas prices, the war in Iraq and immigration.

The editorial states "the continuing terrorist killing in Iraq and Afghanistan have us frustrated and very uncomfortable. Many of us forget how important it is to have Saddam Hussein out of the way in Iraq not threatening the whole world."

Neither Iraq nor Hussein threatened the whole world, Saddam Hussein was a two bit dictator without the ability to develop or deliver weapons of mass distraction. The problem, is not the removal of Saddam Hussein, but the misrepresentations made to the world regarding his ability to develop weapons of mass distraction, and his possession of the same weapons. President Bush's popularity would go up if he admits that he is wrong, apologizes for his mistakes, and then tells the world we now have an obligation to stabilize Iraq. However, we can expect none of these commitments from the president.

The president is unpopular because the war was based upon a lie about weapons of mass destruction, a lie about "mission accomplished" and a lie about going into Iraq to establish Democracy. The American public wants decisive action, a clear plan to stabilize Iraq and then leave the country after the region is stabilized and safe.

The Times Free Press goes on to rationalize the reasons why our president remains highly unpopular. The article states one of the reasons is "high gasoline prices. The president doesn't and can't really control gas prices, he's the president, so some blame him in our discomfort." Although the president does not control high gas prices, the destabilization of the Middle East caused by the Iraqi war, and failed Mideast policies, are directly contributing to a high gas prices. Moreover, the president has not made solid proposals to deal with high gas prices. Finally, the president continues to give us "pie in the sky" goals regarding the development of alternative fuel sources. What Americans want is a plan of action to stabilize the Mideast, solid proposals on alternative fuel sources and quick action to stop further destabilization of the oil markets.

Finally, the article states "there is no agreement on how to solve the massive invasion of illegals across the U.S.-Mexico border, or to deal with the 12 million illegals who are here." The problem here is reflective of the attitude in Congress, and the attitude of this president - it is their way or the highway. Any time an alternative proposal is made, or alternatives are pushed through Congress by anyone in the Democratic leadership, the Republican Congress and the Republican President must have their way - they are unwilling to compromise and move forward on the important issues of the day.

On Sunday, June 4, 2006, the inability of the Republican Party to lead us is accented by an Times Free Press article titled "GOP plans votes on gay marriage, flag burning." The Republicans think that a vote on gay marriage is more important than dealing with the war in Iraq, the economy, high gas prices and immigration. Republicans want to debate gay marriage and flag burning while people die in Iraq, gas prices rise, and illegal immigration continues without a solution. Republicans are diverting their attention from issues that are of importance to Americans to pass a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Why is our President and the Republican Congress putting gay marriage on the front burner? Because talk of gay marriage earns Republicans votes from the Christian right.

With this mentality in Washington, it really does not make a difference what Democrats propose, because the Republicans will use their majority to defeat any proposal as liberal and against the morals of our nation.

So, what do Democrats propose? It really doesn't make a difference until we elect leadership in Congress that has a different attitude than the attitude of...

"It’s the Republican way or the highway."

Stuart F. James

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