Robert T. Nash Will Be Missed - And Response (32)

  • Sunday, April 18, 2010

The announcement that Talk Radio host Robert T. Nash was let go at WGOW is a great loss for local radio.

I have spent many afternoons in my business listening - oftentimes laughing and other times fuming. I did not always agree with his opinions, but I had great respect for the manner which he conducted "Live & Local."

Robert T. walked a thin line at times and perhaps he crossed one that led to his dismissal. I will personally miss his commentary and can't imagine there being any other from within or
without of Chattanooga that can take his place.

Best of luck, Robert T.

John Mitchell
Soddy Daisy

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Like Paul Harvey, I want to hear "the rest of the story" before I try to second guess the management decisions at WGOW. That being said, just like local government, a privately-owned business is more than capable of making stupid management decisions now and then.

I only say that because if you go by Robert T's on-air performance, there should be no dismissal. If you consider the hate, anger, misinformation and lies that spew out of 99% of the syndicated offerings on WGOW, Robert T. is actually a calm voice of reason.

If there were other things behind the scenes that caused this, then that's certainly another story. Be that as it may, I always enjoyed his take on local news and politics and thought it was a fine thing to have various uppity noses tweaked now and again.

Whatever the future holds, I hope Robert T. lands on his feet and I will certainly listen to him if he's ever on the air again locally.

So, now it's "Fred the Show" and then hit the off switch. Thanks, Bill.

Herb Montgomery

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As an almost "life-long" listener of the "Talk Radio" format, (as a kid, I used to take a transistor radio to bed with me so I could listen to KMOX out of St. Louis), I was somewhat surprised to hear of the sudden demise of Mr. Nash from WGOW.

I listened to at least part of his show most days. Occasionally, I was compelled to change to the sports stations when he went of on one of his hate- and fear-fueled diatribes about subjects that I hold dear, but, after he had had enough time to move to another subject, I would usually return.

No idea as to what commission or omission led to his firing, but one would think that the show he did where he read and re-read the obituary of Bill Lockharts' grandmother-in-law for three hours would have ensconced him in perpetuity. How was it he said; "Robert T. Nash is a product, Tim Nash is a person"? Something like that.

Whatever. The product is dead. Long live the new product = whomever he may be.

Good luck, Robert T.

Don Hill
Signal Mountain-North of the Border

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I, too, need to hear the rest of the story, but it appears that the powers to be have silenced another voice that asked hard questions and did not take the drivel that is spewed forth from those in power.

I did not always agree with Mr. Nash, but one thing I can say about him is that he was not afraid to ask questions that made the powers to be squirm.

I do not know why Robert T. was let go, but could it be that he asked the wrong question about the wrong person and started digging for the truth. The problem in this country is that if you find a wrong and tell the truth and question the powers to be, you will eventually pay the price.

Good investigative reporters, which I believe Robert T. is, are no longer tolerated. Those in power do not want the truth to be known or the deals revealed because it would show them for what they really are, self-serving politicos with their own advancement as their goal.

Good luck, Robert T. Hope someone has the guts to hire you and let you do your thing.

G.T. Pope
East Ridge

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Robert T. is "Talk Radio" in Chattanooga. Hopefully some other station will hire him and we will not lose his talent on the air.

We don't know the circumstances of his firing, but unless criminal charges are pending, any other reasons are just asinine when you consider the volatility of "Talk Radio."

Ed Hooper

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As a listener and an advertiser with WGOW radio I will miss Robert T. Nash very much. I have known Mr. Nash for many years and his work with WGOW was superb. I know many of the on and off air employees at WGOW and consider them to be one of our major partners in advertising. I know Robert T. will land on his feet and will do well in whatever he pursues.

Robert T. Nash is smart, articulate, witty and best of all has never changed over the years. Whether you agree or disagree with him, he made the afternoons very entertaining. I will miss him and I wish him the best of luck. I consider myself fortunate to call him my friend.

David Hickman

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With the removal, or whatever, of Robert T. Nash, I no longer have any reason to listen to WGOW.

Over the years, this station seems to have become more "good ole boy" orientated.

Russell F. Kent

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Robert T. Nash has attacked and inflamed for years. Why was he fired now?

If there is any question where the power clique in Chattanooga rests, just ask, who has he been attacking this week? The power elite in Chattanooga have controlled the government (until Littlefield was elected) and the media forever.

Obviously, they are still in control of the media. And, they really must have bought Councilman McGary.

Jerry Yates

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Dear WGOW,
Unbelievably stupid move.

What are you guys thinking? You finally get a host that is doing a great job and who has built a loyal following and you can him? Over what?

Your listeners deserve an explanation. Or should I say, "your ex-listeners?"

Robert T. is not only entertaining, but is an excellent news reporter.
How many local news stories did Robert T. break on the air? We count on him to give the real news when other outlets like the TFP cover them up.

Chattanooga needs Robert T. Nash.

A sad day for Chattanooga and especially Chattanooga Talk Radio.
Bring back Robert T.

Bret Douglas

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I have been a Talk Radio regular since Eastgate, Parker Smith and Limbaugh sounding like he had a half a brain.

Whatever Robert T. has or has not done to create this disaster, could not be as severe as the silence in my home when I no longer flip that switch at 1 p.m.

Jeff is great and, when convenient, I listen, but the village idiots at 9:00 are just that, and Sport Talk is what's left on the dial after Robert T. signs off, and I'm driving home.

Sad, Sad day for WGOW.

And Lockhart should support his staff or retire.

Sally Cook

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To say Robert T. Nash's presence in the Talk Radio universe was a sliver at best is a gross understatement. I, like a lot of other people, would like to know what exactly happened. However, in most retrospect, this is just one of many problems that I have with the current state of radio in general.

I would like to start by stating that one of the biggest sense of pride that I had with my hometown was that we have 'the best' local talk radio station in the country. I can easily make that claim given both my current residency in Dallas as well as when I visit friends and family in other parts of the country.

WGOW did what no other station in the country has done: they bucked the current trend of 24/7 canned shows and/or canned personalities that just talked about the same stuff over and over again. Also, they 'never' resorted to having personalities that were just another Lex and Terry or Opie and Anthony wannabe like here in Dallas (listen to 105.3 the Ticket on streaming audio for proof).

Parker Smith may have come close, but at least he tried to stay as original as possible. Whenever I had a weekday off from work, my computer was always on WGOW even though I was 800 miles from home. Other than perhaps the now defunct WAWL, I have never had such a loyalty for one radio station despite their constant rankings near the bottom on the Arbitron ratings.

However, this "rather unique" timing of Mr. Nash's termination bears some sort of explanation. Robert T. Nash is definitely not Luther. But on the flip-side of the coin, he has never been a Howard Stern either. He's been loyal and faithful to one woman for over 20 years, never went after anyone for the sake of either mean-spiritness or to stroke his own ego, and would only label himself merely as a "citizen, taxpayer and property owner."

No less.

Another thing to point out is, unlike some of WGOW's personalities both past and present, Robert T. probably had the least amount of personal demons which makes his dismissal even more suspicious. RT was not perfect, but his contribution to the Talk Radio genre was above and beyond anything that is currently on the radio today.

What really bothers me the most is this may be the start of the demise of one of the most unique radio stations in the country. If WGOW starts whittling away at their personalities like they do over at Clear Channel, you might as well just do away with radio in general because the formats will be no different than an IPod playlist.

First we lose the Wall to a demotion as an Internet radio station, and now it appears WGOW is burning while Bill Lockhart plays his fiddle.

Note to self: Once I make my first $8 million, buy a radio station, bribe FCC to jack-up tower wattage to 750,000 or bribe sitting Congressman to do it for me, hire or rehire everyone who is worth a darn or had a "unique" radio program, bring in the best sales staff in the country, and show America how Chattanooga does radio both in music and in talk.

Jay Macmillian
Dallas, Tx.

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Robert T. will be missed by many people. A large number of people who would never call in or write to the will miss him and those numbers will show at ratings time.

And WGOW will see the afternoon ratings fall to imaginary numbers if they keep this interim host on air. Does he really believe Kathy Griffin or Bill Maher could fill the Tivoli?

I think it may be time to get a satellite radio for my car.

Ralph Miller

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This just plain stinks.

Michael Shipley

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As surely as non-Saint Bill Lockhart will explain that it is not the policy of Citadel to release the reasons for RT's firing, unless there are criminal charges, we will never know why this happened. And if there are no charges, then we already know the reason: stupidity.

Robert has more talent than all those other guys combined, unless you're into tree hugging, and you can get that anywhere, or sports, also get that anywhere.

Robert could tick off the entire city with a few comments and light up the phone lines, and he could be compassionate with a comment and light the phones up. I listened to the other shows only because of RT and just set the dial and left it there until he came on. Bored to death at times with hiking, camping, and tree hugging, and don't have enough money to invest, but enjoyed Jim and Jamie's banter as father daughter investment counselors, and 'always' changed channels when Sport talk came on. Haven't got anything against those guys, but I'm like RT, a very casual sports fan.

Other than Wally, there is nothing left down there for me to listen to. As someone who is on the road all day, I called a few times to tip RT off in the newsroom of happenings to help him out, help him "get the scoop", and called in during his show. Over the last couple years I visited his remotes, and we became friends, or I think we did. I sure consider him one.

There is more raw radio talent in that man than Bill Lockhart has in his entire body, even with all his years of experience. Sometimes all those years of experience in a chosen field only produce one older man, not a talent. Robert T. is a talent. And he has a whopping three years versus Lockhart's 20-something.

I doubt you'd get one opinion article if Lockhart got fired. If the uppity ups at Citadel do their job, he'll go next for being stupid.

Going to miss Robert, and wish him the best. Maybe he could get the same time slot at Pulse, although I'm not of fan of theirs, but could be if we get to hear RT again. My eight-hour work days turned into six-hour ones, I get off at 3, and when Live & Local came on, the time flew by.

Going to miss Robert and hope he shows up on the dial somewhere else soon. As he searches for a job, I will be searching for another radio station.

For those who are upset about Robert T. Nash being dismissed at WGOW, I think we should cover the management up with emails asking that he be brought back. All emails should be addressed as follows:
with the words.......Bring RT Nash back.

Even if you didn't like or listen to him, help those of us who did and want him back. Ask your friends to as well.

Arlos Dempsey
Signal Mountain

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The firing of Robert T. after digging up stuff on a city councilman puts other tales in new light. Such as when Max Hackett told me every time he got too political a certain car dealer would call management and complain.

Or when a staff member of 1310 The Voice told me that a "well-respected community figure" had put the word out not to advertise on that station.

Sounds like just another day in "Little Chicago".

R.W. Young

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WGOW, you made a 'big' mistake.

Jim Rosenbloom

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I became a regular listener of WGOW a few years ago when I first heard Robert T. Nash. However, with Robert T. gone, I'll have no desire to tune in to WGOW.

He is intelligent, creatively articulate, thought provoking and entertaining. He wasn't always "politically correct". He (like many of his listeners) is a taxpaying citizen and property owner that expects some accountability from our elected officials. He has the ability - no, talent - of addressing topics that no other media outlet around had the courage or should I say intelligence to?

Some of his topics were light-hearted, sentimental, reminiscent. Some were controversial, thought-provoking, even "taboo" around here. But, the thing I enjoyed with Robert T. the most was his talent of motivating and provoking his listeners to use their critical thinking skills. I enjoyed the fact that he had the energy and intelligence to articulate what so many citizens in Chattanooga felt or thought, but didn't have the voice to.

I didn't agree with everything he talked about..nor did I want to. You never learn anything from listening to somebody you agree with.

Personally, I will be looking forward to hearing Robert T. once again. We all know there is a huge demand from his audiences to have a Robert T. Nash forum to be heard. How else are we going to stay informed about our local area?

Robert T., wherever you are, thank you. Oh, and one more thing, none of us will really know what really happened until we hear it from Robert T.

Misti Groner

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For two years, I have gone to WGOW at every opportunity to enjoy Mr. Nash and his Live & Local show. I admire a man that has the spirit it takes to put the “owners” of Chattanooga to task on the corruption and immorality they commit.

The fact that he has been “removed” proves he always was revealing nothing but the truth and more than the powers that be wanted to face up to or answer for.

Thanks to Mr. Lockhart, I suppose we can now add censorship to the list of sins those in power are able to commit here in our fair city and get away untouched. Sadly, I too am through with WGOW Talk (as long as you don’t embarrass the powers that be) Radio.

Randall Grimsley

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I’ll speculate. Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong. He was given a choice to quit or be terminated. Sounds like a company policy violation that probably had nothing to do with the show and his performance there. Robert T. claims to have no clue, but I bet he does.

Part of me will miss him. The other part could care less. I don’t know who could replace him that could keep my interest and keep me tuned in. Actually I do. Bring back Jammer.

Erik Benson

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Well, a lot of folks are talking about the "dismissal" of Robert T. Nash. Folks, what you need to do is let your dollars do the talking. Don't patronize the sponsors of WGOW. Take your business elsewhere.

This will let the inept management of said station know how upset you are.

Adam Ellis

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RT was the only reason I listened to WGOW and became such a fan. His show interested me so that I began to listen to the rest of the guys, including Sport Talk, to see if they could measure up and give the same entertainment levels. Heck, I even toyed with the idea of advertising on the station.

I am with many who smell a rat here. Does WGOW really stand for "We Get Our Way" by those who pull strings?

Mark me down as another "former" listener. You now rate with the other boring "talk" stations I've heard over the years.

Good job, WGOW.

Robin Ruben Flores

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The tone in this opinion seems to be the big goodbye to Robert T. Nash. This rock star of radio and transparency in follow the money is not likely to disappear.

I for one cannot imagine Robert T. Nash crawling under a rock, because folks tapping public tax dollars are trying to send him to Siberia. I think not. Another media source is certain to sign the rock star of radio on.

I am saying my goodbyes to WGOW Talk 102.3, not Robert T. Oh yeah, and "be advised."

April Eidson

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It is unfortunate to learn that radio personality and reporter Robert T. Nash has been removed from his job at WGOW radio station. The absence from the airways of the other WGOW radio personalities would be more beneficial for the quality of the offerings of the station than the absence of Mr. Nash.

What is regrettable for the station is that Mr. Nash offered the only visible effort for substance in an airway product that is at best of meager substance. What will be offered without Mr. Nash will now be the racket and barren prattle of those casting themselves in the bumpkin image and role. The programming of this station is now completely blank.

It is disturbing to consider it is possible Mr. Nash might have been “removed” to hush his comments some might find “inconvenient” or “embarrassing”. I often found his presentation annoying, but he was the best they had on local radio. It is unfortunately true that efforts at news reporting seem to be of little interest to commercial media with the focus of the majority of media programming being entertainment directed at the lowest level of taste and quite free of substance and often even free of accurate fact. Most often popular media has arrived at the level of circus, and a very bland and sometimes scary circus it seems to be.

Without Mr. Nash’s efforts on his show, any vestige of pretense of presenting substantive programming has completely vanished from WGOW. What now remains of WGOW programming is loud and empty air without even the amusement of dancing bears or elephants. For fans of Robert T., it might be well they rethink patronizing the advertisers promoted on WGOW and consider changing their radio channels.

Ed Lindberg

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Robert T. Nash is a neighbor and friend. You can always count on him to "tell it like it is" no matter what the subject matter.

Whether you like his style or not, "T" is truthful, honest, and in your face. He has always been available to his listeners, even after business hours. How many radio/TV personalities give their personal email address, home address, and phone number, on air to everyone? Only Robert T.

It's obvious that the powers that be didn't want him in their face anymore. Robert will not just go quietly into the night with his tail between his legs, you can bet on that. His intelligence, wit and investigative skills are the best this city has to offer. He will be sought out and hired by another station if the financial damage from his dismissal doesn't bring WGOW to their senses.

If "T" has done something wrong, we listeners want to know what it is. If this is a dismissal brought on by the political hacks, then the radio station claiming to be the voice of the people has died.

Ronnie "Rock" Land

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I must say that I will miss Robert T. Nash on the airwaves. Several years ago I bought a vehicle with XM radio. I could receive programming for three months free of charge.

I was one who said I would never pay for radio, but I got hooked on the content. Last year I listened to 'Live & Local" after a friend recommended it to me. I was hooked on this show. I have never called into the show but listened almost every day. I even canceled my XM radio last month when the contract had expired because I listened to WGOW during the day.

I bought a vehicle from Mr. Hickman at Honda of Cleveland after hearing their advertising last November. I was about to contact Painter Ready this week for some work after hearing their advertising and the work they had performed for Robert T. Nash.

Not now, I have subscribed to XM radio again today and will start my new week off listening to their content this week. You have lost a consumer of your advertisers and I think they will lose a lot of business and take their money to other outlets that will provide them customers.

Greg Craven

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Whenever I heard anything controversial in the news, I'd turn on Live & Local at the next opportunity to get Robert's take on the subject. I found him to be fair, honest, smart, informed and always entertaining. I even felt he was tolerant - would anyone else tolerate June Griffin as well as he did?

I'd love to know whose feathers he ruffled, and I bet they needed to be ruffled.

Ruth Garren

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95.3 Pulse Radio, are you reading these letters? I would advise you to strike while the iron is hot; hire Robert T. Nash to replace Clark Howard's syndicated show in the 1-4 slot.

If you want to provide WGOW with some real competition, start by stealing their afternoon audience. I would follow Nash down the dial, and I know many others who would do the same.

Kevin Hargis

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Right now I am listening to WGOW and Jeff is talking about azaleas and music. Good grief. The uninformed assumptions put out by him to fill the air time is barely, barely tolerable. There are so many businesses struggling to make it these days and WGOW doesn't need to crash because of management, or does it?

Please work things out with Robert T. Nash, he is a reasonable man. Bring his informed brain and solid backbone on. The Village Idiots are great, too.

Joe Blevins
Guild, Tn.

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On behalf of the Hamilton County Young Republicans, we wish Robert T the best. Even though we would not see eye-to-eye on every issue, RT was a friend to our organization and his presence in the media will be missed.

Brian Chaney
Chairman, Hamilton County Young Republicans

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Well this tears it for me. I will no longer listen to nor will I patronize the sponsors of WGOW. Nash was the only reason I made sure that I tuned in each day. Between the enormous amount of commercials and the inane talk I had almost given up on 102.3, save Live and Local.

Nash was provocative and intelligent enough to warrant my attention on a daily basis. I called him the "Upton Sinclair of Chattanooga" on numerous occasions and I meant it. Who else shined a light on all the underhanded goings on in this fair city of ours rather than just be a cheerleader?

My earnest hope is that Robert T. Nash will resurface on The Pulse. I too, will follow him down the dial. Way to go WGOW, you are no longer a pre-set on my car radio.

Howard W. Seitz III

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I couldn't agree more with all of my peers. I'm just sick over this. I barely got over losing Jammer, now this.

After reading what Mr. Lockhart had to say about Robert T's non-compete clause I'm guessing we'll be waiting awhile before we get a chance to hear our friend and champion again. I'm guessing WGOW cares less about what the people think, as Jeff so eloquently put it this morning...they've heard all of this before, many times.

It's all over for me, too, though I'm sure it's not going to bother the powers that be. I quit listening to night time talk when the good Doctor came onboard and now spends more that 50% of the time advertising making those hours too long and boring. Bill likes him though so there's really no use in complaining.

Sue White

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The best of luck to you, Robert T. I truly am sad to see that you are gone.

Whatever your direction, I support you.

Hey, why not consider suing them and then write a tell-all book..LOL.

John Barnes
Spring City

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I thought Robert T. was a loud-mouth punk who catered to the uneducated listeners in the area. Occasionally he would uncover a news story, but most of the time he was all mouth and no substance. Recently he criticized Bob Corker for trying to get the Check-into-cash industry exempt from federal Legislation. Even Chris Dodd, the Democrat who Corker was working with on the legislation, said that was not true.

Kind of strange that Mr, "let's get the truth out" is very quiet on his own situation.

Funny one of Robert T.'s defenders is the local Johnny Cochran who would be filing suit against the station tomorrow if they (had a case).

I am sure the truth will come out eventually. Meanwhile, I think Chattanooga will survive without Mr. Nash.

Doug Jones

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