Republicans Are About To Wreck The United States Of America - And Response (4)

  • Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Unless things change drastically in the next few days, the Republican party will change the face of America as we now know it, they are hell bent on destroying Obama and ruining the U.S.A. unless they get their way.  

They are far worse than the Taliban insurgents that the U.S.A. has been fighting ever since the Clinton years. They are holding the U.S.A. hostage just to get their way, it is their way or the highway for everyone in the U.S.A. 

It won't be long until the word "Republican" will be a cuss word. I want every person who calls themselves a Republican to get on this forum and brag that what they are doing is the right thing, that the U.S.A. needs to be shut down, the U.S.A. doesn't need to pay their bills, everyone put out of work is okay as long as it doesn't affect you.  If the U.S.A. goes down the toilet as planned by the Taliban Republicans, the old saying "you ain't seen nothing yet" will be mild. 

The Republican party hasn't done anything good for the U.S.A. since Eisenhower who gave us the interstate highway system and they never will, they will cause all the heartaches and misery as they can but I don't think the Republican party as you know it will survive this calamity that is about to happen unless they come to their senses in a hurry.  

May God bless the U.S.A.

Gary Dixon 

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Mr Dixon, 

First off, I am not a Republican.

Secondly, are you aware that Taliban insurgents are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths?  In what value system are members of the Republican Party worse than murderers?  Again, I'm not a Republican.  But this kind of thinking is part and parcel one of the biggest problems we face today as a country.  We are devolving into warring political factions.  George Washington warned us against such in 1796: 

"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissention, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual: and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty." 

God has blessed America.  It's high time for America to bless God. 

Nathan Daugherty 

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Make no mistake about it. Congress as a whole is about to wreck the United States, not just the Republicans, and not just the Democrats. Congress is full of childish thugs from both sides, who have a "I'll take my ball and go home" mentality.  

I'm tired of people acting as if one side, be it D or R, is all about the good of the people, and the other side is only looking out for themselves. Both sides couldn't care less about us; they're worried about number one, and that's where their list of worries end, despite silly statements to the contrary.  

Actions speak louder than words, and the actions of our elected "leaders" prove that they are nothing more/less than elected thugs, thieves, and criminals. 

If you think only one side is responsible for the current state, then they have succeeded in brainwashing you. As long as politics consist of labels, i.e. Democrats/Republicans, this will be the norm. 

Dallas Cole

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Make no mistake, it is not both sides. Many of the Tea Party caucus campaigned before 2010 elections that if they took control they would shut down the government. When they sent their current proposal with defunding of Obama Care they cheered because knew they had shut down government.  

They were even drinking on the floor. 

Both the House and the Senate passed a budget six months ago.  But the Republican House has refused, 19 times, to send conferees to hammer out differences. The Clean Continuing Resolution sent by the Senate is closer Ryan budget numbers than what the President asked for in his budget.  In other words the Democratic Senate has moved toward Republican position. They have compromised. 

It is the Republicans who are saying that defaulting isn't a problem. It is the Republicans who are not paying attention to the drop in the Treasury Bill markets. It is the Republicans ignoring the whispers in the capitals around world and the world markets.  And China and Russia is making hay out of this with our trading partners. 

This needs to stop now . Boehner needs to release the Clean Continuing Resolution or sane Republicans in the House need to sign the discharge petition and let it come to a vote. 

R.W. Young

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Noooo, the problem here lies totally with the Executive branch of our government.  Americans were/are irate over the fiasco of allowing/not allowing WWII vets and families access to the WWII memorial.  Then that fundamental fiasco was turned into a total reprehensible disaster -- when the Executive branch did not immediately step forward to ensure that five deceased active duty military members, killed in the line of duty, were not honored in the traditional manner.

Noooo, neither the Democrats nor Republicans are to blame for this --- herein the blame lies with our Executive branch of government, which has shown all Americans, and the world, that our country has a serious leadership deficiency. 

Mary Calhoun
Indian Mound, Tn.

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