Women Should Vote For Hillary Clinton - And Response (9)

  • Monday, April 13, 2015

I'm with Mrs. Clinton: "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women." 

Given the extreme misogyny and resultant war on women that now defines the Tea Party tail that wags the dog called the Republican Party - intractable opposition to equal pay for equal work, routinely painting rape victims as liars, and even opposition to maternity leave - any women who doesn't vote for Hillary had better get fitted for some asbestos shoes.  

Kimberly Groves
McDonald, Tn. 

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And why not?  I suppose being a woman is as much qualification for president as the color of a person’s skin.  Thank God she isn’t a Republican.  That might be different. 

Robert Harvey 

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Oh my gosh, thank you for the belly laugh and the enlightenment.  I am a woman who "thought" women had gotten smarter over the past five decades, needless to say the proof is in the pudding.  

I agree that it's time for a female president, just not this one.  Hillary has been around for decades and accomplished absolutely nothing but gotten rich off the backs of those that have fallen for the "war on women" campaign.  

Do yourself a big favor and do your own research, don't listen to the boob tube.  Read, study, get out and talk to people.  This "war on women" slogan does nothing to move women ahead.  It actually puzzles me, women fought for the right to go to war, now they fight side by side with men and you still want to sing that war on women song?  Really?  Every time I read something like that I have to laugh.  

It's truly because of the sacrifice women made in the 60's that enable you to stand up and be counted today.  It's the reason you've even got women running for office.

Find another cause to hang your cap on, this one is worn out and totally false. 

Sue White 

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Ms. Kimberly Groves certainly exemplifies the type of individual that Ronald Reagan once noted:  "The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." 

As a woman, I'm not given to tokenism and electing someone based strictly on party, race, ethnicity or gender. My vote also is far too important to be caught up in politically-manufactured name-calling, lies, toxicity, insults and drama. 

Instead, I'm always going to vote for the candidate who comes with a briefcase packed with actual credentials for the job, including education, experience, documented achievements, veracity, demonstrated leadership abilities, willingness to heed the advice and wisdom of others, true "transparency," love of country, respect for the U.S. Constitution and the laws of this nation, mature demeanor, respect and support for the U.S. military, ready to accept blame when it is due, a communicator, and someone who is not bogged down with a cartload of scandals peppering their entire career.  

Voting for a presidential candidate should be based on such qualifications alone. Every vote is precious to this country and its future and should always be blind to party, race, ethnicity or gender.  We should never forget that we are actually hiring an employee who will work for us, and that the employee we hire should always offer the "best of all the rest." Anything less is unacceptable. 

If and when a woman does come along who meets or exceeds that criteria, I'll certainly vote for her. Until then, Hillary is not a contender. 

Mya Lane

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Dear Ms. Groves, 

These Tea People don't get it and they never will. Six years of mind-numbing, racist rants against President Obama just wasn't enough. Now they're going to magically shapeshift into the He Man Woman Haters Club and set in motion another round of delusions about recapturing the White House. 

While these phony Christians and so-called patriots are glued to fake and bogus Fox News, indulging their fantasies about winning (see election night 2012), and falling hook, line, and sinker for the big grift of the likes of Matt Kibbe, Tony Perkins, Ralph Reed, and Franklin Graham, they are apparently oblivious to the fact that there already exists an impervious blue wall of 240 of the 270 Electoral College Votes needed to be President solidly behind Mrs. Clinton. Outside of dumbed-down Dixie and a few Midwestern Hootervilles, like Oklahoma and Kansas, nobody is buying what these frauds are selling. 

That's a very good thing, Ms. Groves, because it means Mrs. Clinton will win in a cakewalk - just like President Obama. 

Brandon Baines
Signal Mountain 

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Ms. Groves and Mr. Baines, 

What is truly sad is the fact you use the typical name calling and insults that are often associated with the far left liberal party without bringing anything of substance to the table of why Hillary Clinton is qualified to run this great nation.  Maybe it is because deep down you know she has done nothing of significant value for this nation over the last 30+ years and has spent more time retracting statements and pleading the fifth to the point where she can’t remember what is truth versus fiction.  

Maybe if the far left would actually do a little research on the possible candidates for 2016 instead of acting like 3rd graders at recess, an actual debate would occur.  

The only thing transparent about Hillary Clinton at this point is the fact she is highly untrustworthy.  We could go over the laundry list of scandals and lies she has been associated with over the years, but I’m sure that would only be met with more insults and with no true defense of her actions.  

At least conservatives and liberals have one thing in common, and that is they have yet to state any reason why she is qualified to run this this nation.  Wait, that’s right Ms. Groves, she is a woman which automatically qualifies her to be the POTUS. Talk about a step back in equality and double standards.  

Liberals, let me know when you want to have an adult conversation. However at this point I’m not holding my breath. 

Chris Morgan 

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I have commented in the past about keeping political posts civil. I know one can point to the harsh treatment given to people in and out of office in the past. Abraham Lincoln may have suffered the worst from a brutal press. But can't we disagree in a more mature way in the Twenty-first Century? 

I salute Chris Morgan for a well written, civil commentary. It is refreshing when one can make points without descending to childish name calling and personal attacks. 

Secondly, I refer to John Fricke's occasional comments on politics. I don't often agree with Mr. Fricke, who I believe is still in the news business, but in the posts I have read by him, he writes in an adult manner. 

It is sad that some people on the far left have to descend to hateful speech when they try to express their political views. 

I think the people who read Chattanoogan.com are for the most point are interested in the free exchange of ideas. And my continued hope is that future political points can be made without calling people phony Christians or allusions to people of the South or Midwest as dumbed-down or from Hooterville. 

Ralph Miller 

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Ms. Groves.  

I read your opinion that all females should vote for Hillary because she is a woman.  A president should not be picked on gender or skin color.  

The last time a president got elected based on one of those ideas has proven to be a huge mistake for our country over the last seven years.

I do agree that it's time for a female president, just not one who has done nothing useful over the last 30 years except for deleting her emails. 

Netta Hall 

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It would be totally sexist to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton simply because she is a woman.  Let us just objectively look at her accomplishments.  Anyone?  Anyone? 

Mike Romines 

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Dear Ms. Groves, 

If I were Hillary, I'd start giving every nickel I had to Tea Party groups. We all saw how well their tactics worked out for them when they tried to disenfranchise our black communities in 2012, with their voter suppression laws. It resulted in record African American turnout. 

Let them keep up their comical "Oh my, Bill had sex, way back in 1997!", and their "Oh my, Hillary deleted some emails!"; see how many people care; then see how many women, those who are single and those with college educations, punish them for it. 

Lonnie Hatmaker

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