Back To Good Ole Boy Government In East Ridge

  • Thursday, June 25, 2015
Well in five days East Ridge will lose the best city manager we have had since David Mays.  And folks you can thank Manning, Sewell and Cagle.  They seem to want the good ole boys type of government back in East Ridge. 
Oh they will say that Mr. Hyatt left for a job in Florida, but the truth of the matter is that they were not going to renew his contract.  Part of the problem is that they didn't like that some of their friends were written up for policy violations.  For too long some employees have done what they wanted to do and got by with it.  Under Mr.
Hyatt the employees were held accountable for their actions or non-actions and it made these council people angry.  Hey council people, that is the way it is supposed to be. 

East Ridge will never be a great city as long as we have self-serving council people who only care about their buddies.  And if you think that a tax rise isn't in the works, you better think again.  By lowering the rainy day fund our bond rating will go way down.  Don't forget Manning, Sewell, Lambert, Bethune, Branum and John Anderson did not bother to inform the citizens that the firehall property could not be sold without a waiver from the state and now we, the taxpayers, have to foot an extra $603,000.
I do not know about you, but to me that is very poor judgment and very poor representative government.  Example, they have made Fire Chief Mike Williams interim city manager.  This man has enough to deal with as fire chief.  Remember how Eddie Phillips had total power in East Ridge.  That will never work.
Oh you can rest assured that they already have someone in mind that will do their bidding and that is going back to the good ole boy way of governing.  As taxpayers you and I deserve better government. After all it is our tax dollars that they so freely spend.
More will be revealed at a later date.
Glenn Pope

East Ridge 


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