Wayne-O-Rama Funhouse Of Chattanooga History Has Grand Opening On Rossville Avenue

  • Sunday, November 20, 2016
  • Bill Peterson

Wayne-O-Rama, a gallery of artwork described as “A funhouse of Chattanooga history for all ages,” had its grand opening on Saturday at the Tenn Arts facility on Rossville Avenue.

The exhibit showcases the work of Wayne White, a Hixson High School graduate and winner of four Emmy Awards, three of which came from his work with the Pee-wee’s Playhouse television program. 

The featured piece of the exhibit was “Magic Lookout Mountain.”  Familiar landmarks on the mountain could be seen in Rock City, Ruby Falls, Cravens House, and the Incline.  The Incline itself was kid-powered by turning a crank, with a long line of excited children waiting their turn to move the rail car up and down the mountain.

Other pieces of art with a Chattanooga flavor were 3-D installations of Adolph S. Ochs, Generals Patrick Cleburne and William Sherman, Chief John Ross, singer Bessie Smith, television personality Bob Brandy, Chief Dragging Canoe, Sequoyah, Olan Mills, and others.

The grand opening was very well attended, and Mr. White was on hand to greet visitors.

For more information, visit www.wayneorama.com

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