2017: The Year For Common Sense In Gun Control - And Response (3)

  • Tuesday, January 3, 2017

What is the opposite of common sense? No, really. Is it more freedom so that the herd thins?  That's a fairly cynical answer, and hopefully not true, but for the sake of making the point, when it comes to firearms it is often the innocent, the most vulnerable of our society that are at greatest risk for injury because we're not using common sense. 

Guns kill people. They are quite efficient at their intended purpose, a marvel of good old human ingenuity. I know you gun nuts can pick up what I am putting down, can I get an amen?

Tennessee legislation will be chock full of crazy gun legislation (think:students-in-higher-ed.-having-guns-in-dorms type irrationality, or teachers-in-K12-allowed-to-bring-firearms- into-classrooms kind of foolishness).

If you're a teacher, be informed about the latest of what lawmakers have always done, and are continuing to do to you--inform teachers of what is best for their classrooms.

New gun law will be introduced. Terribly thought-out, NRA-driven, dangerous gun law is coming, and soon. Let's be educated and prepared to discuss safe alternatives protected by the 2nd Amendment. 
It is not about taking guns away. I have grown weary from having to repeatedly say that, but I state again: It is not about abolishment of guns.   

It is about common sense implementation of weaponry in a free society.  

Come on y’all, the larger herd accomplishes the larger goals. 

Jamie Gaines
Signal Mountain 

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Yes, you're right, Ms. Gaines, we definitely need common sense in 2017. 

I think the information below is just good common sense. 

1.   Guns save more lives than they take; prevent more injuries than they inflict. 

2.   Concealed carry laws help reduce crime. 

3.  Criminals avoid armed citizens. 

4.  Criminals love gun free zones. 

Also, I think that good common sense would be that everyone who values safety, should take a handgun carry class, and know the five basic handgun safety rules.  

Jim Rosenbloom

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Common sense gun control?  The vast majority of death occurs at the hands of gang bangers, just look at the stats and see where the majority of the shootings occur. 

Do not think that you are fooling anyone but yourself in suggesting honest people give up their right to self defense. 

Dwayne Cales 

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Jamie Gaines,

Where do I begin in responding to your "Common Sense in Gun Control arguments?  Let me make an attempt although convinced that you and your left-wing comrades really have only the agenda of eliminating the 2nd Amendment no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise. 

Let me start by actually agreeing with you on one point, that the most vulnerable of our society are at the greatest risk. Why are they vulnerable?  Because liberals like you have taken away their rights to protect themselves from people who don't obey laws. For example, do you recall in July of 2015 here in our own city where four Marines and a Sailor were murdered because of "common sense" laws that prevented military personnel from carrying a weapon. This is what you and the left refer to as common sense gun control.

Has it ever crossed your common senses that if a teacher at Sandy Hook or a professor or student at Virginia Tech could have legally possessed a firearm that many "innocent and vulnerable" children and young people would be alive today?  Your common sense gun laws will only apply to the law abiding citizen. The truly evil in our society will be less impeded just like they are today in these so-called gun-free cities and states.  Can you spell Chicago?

I keep hearing from the left and you have repeated it, "Common Sense Gun Laws".  What I don't ever hear is what specifically are your common sense laws?  You know, we know that your common sense gun control is really not about gun control.  Rather it's just about control.

Guns kill people just like pencils misspell words. You would be taken more seriously if you and the gun control crowd would just be truthful about your true agenda. 

C.L. Leigh

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