County Commission Should Discontinue The Blank Checks To The Unaccountable CVB - And Response (4)

  • Monday, April 3, 2017

Dear Commissioner Tim Boyd,


 This situation with the Convention Visitors Bureau (CVB) is so out of control; the taxpayers don’t know where to begin. The CVB seems to feel entitled to our tax dollars regardless of how they waste our money. They need to be fired.


 We have this third party agency CVB conducting a county function of promoting tourism that is funded through taxation from the hotel/motel tax.

Initially, the hotel/motel tax was passed by Hamilton County and the city of Chattanooga, and the revenue resulting from this tax stream has grown to $7.1 million annually for Hamilton County government.


 I also understand that the city of Chattanooga utilizes their share of the hotel/motel tax to pay down bond debt on riverfront projects, while Hamilton County writes the CVB an annual blank check and appropriates their entire share of the tax to the CVB.


 Why would Hamilton County assign a revenue stream derived from tax solely to a third party agency along with the revenue growth?


 What is more troubling is that the CVB has taken an attitude that their use of public funds derived from taxation is not the public’s business, and has actually hired an attorney to block your measures to show how this out of control agency, CVB, is wasting public funds.


The Chamber of Commerce has the same attitude as CVB. The Chamber receives $1.2 million annually from the city and county. When I asked the Chamber how they spend the $1.2 million annually in local tax dollars they stated, “We are not subject to Open Records.” Isn’t that special?The Chamber and the CVB are capturing tax revenue without public accountability.


The entitled attitude of the CVB is just jaw dropping, while they are wasting funds on grossly inflated salaries of $200k plus and travel of $314,000 in one year. Where are these CVB folks traveling to for $314,000 in a year, do share?


Hamilton County has immediate need, and must have a new jail before you folks get a class action lawsuit for violating human rights of people in the grossly over-crowded facility. As a side note, please don't contract with the corporate jail for profit folks, too many die in their custody. There is not money to waste as CVB is.


Why is the Hamilton County Commission continuing to blindly hand these high rollers $7.1 million annually?


It is not CVB money, it is public money derived from taxation, and how dare CVB hire lawyers to threaten our elected representatives who are charged with protecting public funds.


Please start by revoking the resolution or documents that transfer all of the hotel/motel tax to CVB, and let them pay their own attorney fees. Then, fire CVB.


Really, who can trust CVB after this breach of public trust?


We the people are counting on the Hamilton County Commission to hold CVB accountable. Please don’t let us down, and discontinue the blank checks to an agency that will not allow public review of their spending of public funds.


April Eidson


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 Unless it involves National Security or public safety, if it is paid for with tax dollars it should be open to public scrutiny.
Kinda reminds me of the tip-top, high-level, super-secret Water Company buy out report that also was paid for with tax dollars.

Ed Bradley

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I believe, just as the other 96 percent of those who have responded to the Chattanoogan poll, that there does need to be an investigation / audit concerning the CVB and our finances. 

In this age of “selective investigative” reporting it shouldn’t amaze me that there has been little to no reporting of this matter which is a confirmation of “money corrupts absolutely”. 

Yes, advertising dollars are just as good as “hush money”. 

Keep up the good work, Tim.  

Jay Reed
Falling Water

* * * 

The term "witch hunt" is thrown around far too loosely in this political climate, however Commissioner Boyd is on a one man crusade to bring down one of the few quasi-government partnerships that truly benefit all Chattanoogans. 

The CVB was set up by the County Commission as an independent 501(c)4, let by a CEO and board to avoid government bureaucracy.  Imagine that. 

Ask yourself where the anger and vitriol towards the CVB is coming from?  Other commissioners? The county mayor?  What other main stream media such as TFP, TV news channels have picked up this so called 'abuse'?  Could it be possible that a group of readers enjoy a sensational headline and non-scientific polls?   

Myself and thousands of Chattanoogans are employed in the tourism industry.  The complexities of promoting a city, its hotels, attractions, sports facilities and people require experts in many fields with experience that goes beyond the typical marketer or sales person.  

The budget of the CVB is directly tied to accumulated room nights produced in a given year.  This equates to a novel concept... the more business they bring in... the bigger their budget for the next year.   

Commissioner Boyd, stop the mud slinging and attempts to dig up skeletons in non-existent closets.  Instead, if you want money for 'football fields', then make the hard, unpopular decision to raise taxes.  In the meantime, the CVB will continue to bring in more tourist and sporting events which ultimately save the county/city tax payers money while providing a world class place to live. 

Justin Strickland 

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In my opinion, the CVB was set up as a 501(c)4 to avoid more than government bureaucracy.  Seven years ago a couple of us became curious about their budget and asked for additional information.  We were pretty much blown off.  

The question is not how much revenue they've generated for the city, but whether or not they could generate more.  Without transparency there is no way to know.  

I believe commissioner Boyd is asking some fair questions. 

Melissa Cantrell
Signal Mountain

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