Ignored By The Water Company

  • Friday, October 11, 2019

How much time do you spend at Tennessee American Water's website?

It is worthless for online reporting problems.

Replies? Never happen.

Communication? They appear to consciously avoid honest communication 
with concerned citizens.

This "Opinion Page" is an avenue of last resort to report a problem, because no one is trying to listen at Tennessee American Water.

Attached is a photo of the intersection of West Martin Luther King Blvd at Fairview.

This is the 900 block of West Martin Luther King.

Since April, Tennessee American Water has allowed three to five gallons of water leaking onto this major feeder road into downtown. By my math, at only 3 gallons per hour, they have pumped a nominal 13,000 gallons of water into this public right of way.

How does Tennessee American Water ignore this?

We will never get an answer.

But rest assured, even if the scores of calls had NOT occurred, there is zero percent chance that zero employee of Tennessee American Water ever drive on this leak. Their work trucks drive over it many times daily. They even WAIT on top of this leak when the traffic at Central backs up.

My calls have been ignored, neighbors calls have been ignored.

What will NOT be ignored?
Per NWS statistics, there is a 90% chance that Chattanooga will have a hard freeze by November 19th. That is 40 days.

When these two blocks of icy streets (down to Central) create multiple rear end accidents, because of Tennessee American Water negligence; at that point i suspect they will pay attention.

At the expense of families hurt and deprived the right to just go safely home.

Jim Bowman

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