Disgrace In The Democratic Party - And Response (2)

  • Saturday, April 13, 2019

Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. These women are not "young progressives", they are a disgrace to the Democratic party and a threat to the America I grew up in. 

In my 60 years of life I have seen a lot of progress in women's rights and now I see these women use those gains to sabotage women's political foothold. They should be removed from Congress immediately, if not sooner.

I'm ashamed to be a Democrat any more.

Rusty Chastain

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Mr. Chastain,

Yes, the women of color with funny names are popular targets for political attacks these days, aren't they?

Even our president is posting videos on Twitter overlaying images of 9/11 with Rep. Omar, a Muslim woman.

Such rhetoric goes beyond the realm of genuine political concerns and into fearmongering, hate, and inciting violence.

If you're buying into this garbage as a Democrat, than I'm ashamed for you, too.

Ray Ingraham

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You are correct, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez are women that do not love the United States of America, evident by chronic anti-American rhetoric from all of them. Their gender has nothing to do with their position.  

Any political party that endorses their words will lose supporters that love their country.  These women are demonstrating public contempt for our county.

It is hard to fathom how such empty headed people landed in Congress, until you study how the path these women took to Congress and their campaign funding. 

The socialist, justice Democrats, or social justice group, are responsible for Cortez, who interviewed to be their candidate. The social justice Democrats handled everything for Cortez working the ground campaigns and funding campaign ads, their greatest talent. Cortez claims she rose out of bartending to Congress.  The rise of Cortez occurred from essentially interviewing and being hired by the justice Democrats. 

Muslin groups seeking power are funding Omar.  That requires no explanation, her attacks on Jews are so over the top, I am shocked too that the Democrats think this is acceptable.

In defense of the Congressional Democrats, they have moved against the hate spewing from these women with new legislation.

In short, these women are simply the faces for radical causes, and have puppet masters with deep pockets.

I feel certain these women are too radical to gain traction long-term. In the short term, it is heart breaking to see people elected to Congress that don’t love our country.  These women place a radical ideology over country.

I admire your independence Rusty, no one should follow a political party ideology that is contrary to their fundamental principles of love for God, country, and family.  

Which comes first, love of country or political party?

Join a political group that is growing faster than a political party, called independent thinkers. 

April Eidson

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