Roy Exum: Our ‘Abundance’ Of Fear

  • Tuesday, November 3, 2020
  • Roy Exum
Roy Exum
Roy Exum

The pictures on all the major news sites on Monday told the same story. They show the stark reality of complete blocks of the most fashionable stores in Washington, New York, Chicago, and every other major city controlled by liberal Democrats covered with sheets of plywood. In a way never witnessed in history other than in “hurricane cities,” construction crews have worked around the clock anticipating tonight’s storm. “Use an ‘abundance of caution,’” business owners have been advised by top police officials.

Moreover, our leading behavioral experts warn it makes little difference which presidential candidate emerges as the probable winner; America’s rioters are “standing on go” to create havoc where once there was none.

In Philadelphia, where last week looters actually shot 11 fellow looters in a wild melee numbering 1,200 criminals, the National Guard already has ‘boots on the ground.’

While you may marvel that only cities governed by one party’s liberal stance are in the most jeopardy, it is clear the Left’s unconscionable “get out of jail for free” card is the biggest reason over $2 billion (with a ‘b’) of needless carnage has shocked all of America. Police officers are quitting in record numbers because of liberal defunding policies, a marked lack of support, and an open public abuse that now goes largely unanswered.

Strangely, we hear very little from the “gun control” fanatics for two main reasons; there is a widespread believe that a great percentage of guns being legally purchased in 2020 are from first-time buyers who are predominately Democrats. The second is there is about as much a chance of success to “outlaw guns” as there is for the Nancy Pelosi-led Congress to ban the sun rising every day in the East.

No human being knows how many guns there are in America. The Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey (SAS) believes there are 393 million legally held guns in the United States. With a population of 331 million people, also know that virtually all individual gun owners own multiple firearms. So, again the best guess (federal law prohibits a national gun registry) is that 40 percent of all homeowners admit that they, or a household member, have a firearm.

The year 2020 has been unlike any we have ever known. With COVID-19 horror, yesterday’s figures showed 1.2 million have died worldwide and there are have now been 230,937 deaths in the United States (4:30 p.m.) There is admittedly little we can do about that, other than taking every possible precaution to heart, but Americans believe we can do something about the wide-spread violence threatening our country on this very night:

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More people in the United States have legally purchased firearms in the year 2020 leading up to today’s election than in any other year in America’s history. According to Jurden Brauer, an economist for the world-renowned Small Arms Analytics, which is based in Switzerland, nearly 17 million firearms have been purchased from registered gun suppliers.

The former record was established before the election in 2016 when Hillary Clinton, touting a severe gun control agenda, triggered the sale of 16.6 million firearms, this just after then-President Barack Obama was laughingly declared “The Greatest Gun Salesman of all time.”

Said Brauer, “By August we had exceeded last year’s total. By September, the United States had exceeded the highest total ever. This is not only more than last year; it is more than any other year in the past 20 we have been keeping records, and there are still two months remaining.”

Nichole Kravitz-Wirtz, the lead author of a study done by Cal-Davis, found that two-thirds of new gun buyers worry about the nation’s lawlessness. “Half believe 'the government may have gone too far,' she said. To add to the demand, many shops have no guns to sell due to the public demand and some sales are made “without the rocks,” gun store lingo for the fact ammunition is nigh-impossible to obtain. As soon as a shipment arrives it is limited to one box of 20-to-24 rounds of ammo per customer.

Gun experts are baffled. “in my 30 years of being involved in firearms, I have never seen anything like this,” said Chuck Rossi who is involved in a gun rights group, Open Source Defense. “Listen … there is no inventory. There are no guns to buy. There is no ammunition to buy. There are lines at every gun counter, but the shelves are empty… People are buying guns sight unseen, like Christmas lay-away.”

Robyn Thomas of the gun control arms of the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, explained to the Guardian website, “The gun industry thrives on fear. Their business leverages on fear and they never talk about the risks.” But Kareem Shaya, with the Open Source Defense group, better explained the record sales: “It’s uncertainty … the feeling of hey, if nobody else is going to take care of me … I want to be able to take care of myself.”

Bingo. Uncertainty, not a politician’s promise nor a candidate’s assurances, just caused 17 million Americans to holster up since January 1st.

How are we doing? Vote like you mean it today.

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