No Help At The Chattanooga Foundation

  • Monday, November 28, 2022

I can't imagine the reasoning behind changing the name of the Chattanooga Community Kitchen. That name has served well for decades and everyone knew exactly who they were and what they did. Now in their infinite wisdom they decided to change the name to something that is meaningless and confusing to people who don't know exactly who they are or what they do. This is about as well thought out as Family and Children's Services changing their name to "The Partnership For Families Children and Adults". I wonder if they could have thought of a longer name?

While I'm thankful for the three meals that are provided daily, I was extremely annoyed at the fact that I went to the Chattanooga Community Kitchen, or Chatt Foundation, because I was told I could get a form there that would allow me to receive my mail there. The gentleman behind the desk in the Day Center there barely looked up from his phone long enough to tell me that I'd have to go across the street. What he meant was I'm too busy playing Candy Crush or whatever game he was playing to take two minutes to hand you a mail form.

This mail form is by their agency, for their agency and is given out by them. I'm not sure why he directed me to go to the health clinic across the street to get one. I was told later by someone who is a veteran of the streets that they don't like to do much of anything. They just send everybody to the Homeless Health Care Center and let them do all their work.

Years ago when I was homeless I could walk into the Community Kitchen and have access to a case manager with questions concerns or assistance at any time of the day from 7-4. Now I'm told, "They don't do that anymore." 

There used to be a job program at The Community Kitchen that would help people find and retain employment to move forward in life, but once again, "They don't do that anymore."

So, hooray for the new name change. You found a way to confuse people and maybe the name change will keep people from bothering you so much or calling you on the phone for questions or help. My suggestion is get back to your original mission of providing real help via case management services to people who need it. Stop making people jump through hoops to get anything done there. You have a wonderful organization that has the ability to help a lot of people but making someone leave your facility to go to another facility to get a form that should be able to be picked up there at the Community Kitchen is ludicrous and humiliating. Please do better!

Times are really difficult right now and we don't need added steps to complicate our day.

Julie Washington

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