Single-Use Is A Ruse, Plastic That Is

  • Sunday, December 11, 2022

Bridget Janis of Plastic News reported this week that the two largest cities in California have passed laws that limit single-use plastics. Los Angeles and San Diego passed bans that include cups, containers and other polystyrene products.

Christy Leavitt, Oceana’s plastic campaign director said, “As the two largest cities in California, Los Angeles and San Diego have the power to put a notable dent in the state's plastic footprint while sending a clear message to the rest of the country.”

While naive folks think more plastic recycling is a good thing, others realize the havoc increased plastic production has caused across the globe, not just in our oceans. This week the United Nations Environmental Programme concluded the first intergovernmental committee meeting (INC-1) to negotiate the terms of an internationally legally binding plastics pollution treaty.

Because it will be legally binding, the table was crowded with stakeholders, those whose countries are being trashed, those concerned about the ocean, those concerned with the toxicity of plastic production and disintegration. As consumers we play a role, stop buying unnecessary single-use plastic. Get membership in Community Supported Agriculture to eliminate plastic produce packaging. Shop at local farmers’ markets. And pass recycling transparency laws.

Louise Mann
Signal Mountain


Send Overhead School Employees Back To The Classroom
  • 9/7/2024

Approximately 97 employees of the City Schools Department of Education (operating as the Hamilton County Schools,) are given $100,000-$230,000 a year, plus lots of benefits for their services. ... more

Doug Daugherty: The Two Faces Of Pride
  • 9/6/2024

There is a word that has a bad side and a good side. It is pride. Bad pride is famously known as hubris. Good pride is appreciation of the accomplishments of both people and initiatives that ... more

Safety Protocols When Showing Your Home
  • 9/6/2024

I believe that Kadi Brown was fairly thorough with her list of safety protocols, but there were some steps that also merit inclusion: If a home being shown has an alarm system, be sure that ... more