UTC Chancellor Steven Angle Elected To CUMU Board Of Directors

  • Wednesday, November 29, 2023
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chancellor Steven R. Angle has been elected to the board of directors of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, a consortium of presidents and chancellors of CUMU member institutions.
Dr. Angle, who assumed his role as UTC chancellor on July 1, 2013, was one of four new members-at-large chosen to two-year terms, joining University of Houston-Downtown President Loren Blanchard, Florida International University President Kenneth Jessell and Rutgers University-Camden Chancellor Antonio Tillis.
“I’m honored to have been chosen to serve on the CUMU board,” said Dr.
Angle, the 17th leader of the University. “CUMU has long been committed to ensuring that colleges and universities enhance the communities in which they are located through education, research and service. As Chattanooga’s university, we embrace the integral role we play in our region’s continued growth and advancement.
“I’m excited to share and learn about the best practices of our member institutions across the nation.”
Founded in 1989 and headquartered in Towson, Md., CUMU works to build connections across its membership to create and share knowledge on the issues that face urban and metropolitan campuses and the communities they serve.
CUMU’s 118 members represent public and private institutions in 52 metropolitan areas.
“Our urban and metropolitan campuses are on the front lines of higher education’s most critical issues,” CUMU Executive Director Valerie Holton said. “Members of the CUMU board of directors recognize the evolving and critical role their campuses play in the success of their students and the well-being of their regions.”
To learn more about CUMU, visit cumuonline.org.
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