Give Me A Man That We May Fight Together

  • Thursday, September 28, 2023
With all the pride and confidence of an undefeated warrior, Goliath stepped out into no-man’s land and bellowed, “Give me a man that we might fight together.” He had done this for forty days, blaspheming God and mocking the army of Israel. But this day was different. A young man stepped out from Israel’s army to accept his challenge. He had no sword; he had no spear; he had no armor. He had only a sling and five smooth stones.

In our day, we think of this event as a very unequal contest.
But ancient armies had three classes of soldiers just as we do today: infantry, cavalry and artillery. The artillery in ancient armies was made up of spear throwers, archers and slingers. Slingers made war at a great distance. They didn’t need to be at sword or spear length to do their work. In fact, they couldn’t use their sling up close. They were only “warriors at a distance” throwing stones, bricks and lead weights shaped like small footballs. In general, slingers were more accurate than archers, could reach greater distances, up to two football fields, and their projectiles were more lethal.

Goliath never stood a chance. And this became evident when the other soldiers noted the distance between these two combatants. It was close enough to be personal, perhaps 50 feet, but it was evident that Goliath was never going to touch David, but David was certainly going to touch Goliath. To a foot-soldier, a slinger was a man to be feared. Seeing this new arrangement, no doubt some in both armies thought, “This boy might stand a chance.” Others in the army of Israel may have thought to themselves, “I wish I had thought of that.”

Today, there is another Goliath on the field of battle. He is fearsome, awesome in appearance and mighty in power, just as the first one. This one is rich: He and his friends are multi-billionaires! He has the power of influence: he holds the keys to the internet. He affects the destiny of the nations around the world. He threatens and bullies all who oppose him and, again, many of God’s people walk in fear.
With our nation collapsing around us, we need men who will live holy lives and sacrifice themselves for God. Men, like David, who “hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.” Men of faith, men of courage who would say like the boy Samuel, “Speak; for thy servant heareth,” or like the prophet Isaiah, “Here am I; send me,” or like Paul, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”

Now here is a lesson: The only way for Goliath to have defeated David was for Goliath to have enticed David to fight the battle his way. Everyone up until David had seen the battle Goliath’s way. But God gave wisdom to David. God declares that, “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.”

God says that He is looking for a man: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." -Ezekiel 22:30

If God is looking for a man, what would be wrong with telling Him, "I want the job." Volunteer! Enilst! Be a David! God’s people need to understand without conflicts there can be no victories.

What if, right now, you could step out onto the field of battle like David, knowing that Goliath could never touch you and believing that he would fall before you? I think we can. If I engage in earnest prayer, Goliath will never touch me; I'm walking in the wisdom of God. I am walking in a realm that is past his ability to harm me. "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds). -II Corinthians 10:3-4

Charlie Wysong
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