Our County Mayor Has Single-Handedly Shuttered Our Health Department - And Response (4)

  • Sunday, November 10, 2024

In his latest stroke of mediocrity, our county mayor has single-handedly shuttered our Hamilton County Health Department.

In a shocking display of arrogance, Mayor Wamp decided to sell the Hamilton County Health Department property right from under our feet.

This was our Hamilton County Health Department which kept us alive during COVID.

This was our Hamilton County Health Department which inspects our restaurants for food safety.

Most importantly, this was our Hamilton County Health Department which serves the medical needs of the most needy in our county.

But our Hamilton County Health Department is no more.

Mayor Wamp labored in the shadows with UTC to find the perfect location for his new Health Department: Engel Stadium.

According to Dr.

Steve Angle, UTC Chancellor, Engel Stadium is “falling in disrepair”, “crumbling” with “grass growing up through the carpet”.

Sounds to me like a great location for our new modern state-of-the-art Health Department.

I suspect the buy/sell/move orchestrated by Mayor Wamp also surprised Sabrina Novak, the Hamilton County Health Department administrator.

After 18 years of service to Hamilton County, and after leading Hamilton County through the worst pandemic in 100 years, Ms. Novak was fired by Wamp 48 hours after he announced his buy/sell/move of the Health Department property.

Was it something she said? Or something she asked?

Maybe Sabrina Novak was fired because she opposed such a drastic and far-reaching decision affecting thousands of citizens without any public input?

Because our Hamilton County Commission was not involved.

Maybe Sabrina was fired because she was asking about the location of the new Health Department building?

Because there isn’t one.

Maybe Sabrina Novak was fired because she asked about the cost of the new Health Department building?

Because we don’t know the cost.

Maybe Sabrina was fired for asking about the appraisal of the value of the property
Mayor Wamp sold to Erlanger Health?

Because there wasn’t one.

Maybe Sabrina Novak was fired for asking which current medical services provided by the Health Department will be outsourced to private providers that may require out of pocket cash and health insurance.

Because public health should not be privatized. It should be prioritized.

Instead of answering Sabrina Novak’s questions, Mayor Wamp took the easy way out: he told someone else to fire her.

On behalf of Hamilton County taxpayers, we thank you for your service, Sabrina. You deserved better.

C. Mark Warren

* * *

If a horse is allowed to run free of a corral or bridle, it may run free, but the chance of it running off a cliff is greatly enhanced. I may not care for the horse itself, but I may care for the horses that will follow, off the cliff.

C. Mark Warren, your letter relative to the health department may not be a true reflection of what is really happening. Example: the Hamilton County Health Department taking up residence in the dilapidated Engle Stadium would be to expect the Chattanooga Lookouts to be moved to one of the abandoned warehouses on the South Side. We know better, don't you agree?

Even casual research will show that you are a financial supporter of not only the Democrat Party, but also a financial supporter of Hamilton County District 6 Ccommissioner David Sharpe. This leads me to wonder if your letters are really written as a true believer that all things Wamp are bad, or are you writing as a surrogate for a man who wishes to replace County Mayor Wamp as our Hamilton County mayor?

Since this is an opinion letter, my opinion is the latter. Since I started my reply talking about horses, I will finish with this: the fastest horse doesn't always win the race, but it is the best way to bet. Perhaps Mr. Sharpe will want to weigh in and advise us if he has a horse in the race. Being on record will be good for future voters to consider.

J. Pat Williams

* * *

Mr. Williams,

Thank you for enlightening us readers in the peanut gallery of this forum about the possible link between Commissioner David Sharpe and Attorney C. Mark Warren.

I've often questioned myself.,.....why is C. Mark Warren pounding so incessantly on Mr. Wamp? I was beginning to wonder if, in the long distant past, had Mr. Wamp stolen C. Mark's girl friend or accidently run over C. Mark's pet.

But, Mr. Williams, I believe you have hit the nail on the head on the potential nefarious connection between Commissioner David Sharpe and Attorney C. Mark Warren.

It all makes sense and begs a bigger question....is C. Mark a David Sharpe puppet?

Phil Snider

* * *

Dear Counselor,
Being an avid reader of John Wilson's Chattanoogan.com, it hasn't escaped me that you are not a fan of Mayor Weston Wamp. May I ask why?

He brings new energy and a fresh perspective to a position which has historically been occupied by the same group of well connected individuals for years. He was chosen by a majority of the electorate to seek out waste and repair a tired, stale and embedded group of people whose idea of progress was 'more of the same.'

A young, fresh face in government who isn’t beholden to the ‘old boys club’? Terrifying, I know. If anyone knows how damaging fresh perspectives can be, it’s those who cling desperately to power and prestige. While you may not appreciate the young Mayor, it seems a majority of the people of Hamilton County do. Why not focus on helping those in need, and step back from chasing ambulances.

Give him a chance, counselor.

Mayor Wamp is rolling up his sleeves and getting things done, and that’s a welcome change for many of us.

Thank you for your consideration, Sir.

Charles A. McDonald, Jr.
* * *
Dear Mr. Warren,

Thank you for your thoughts in regards to the Health Department and Sabrina Novak. You are certainly valid in asking your questions, although you are wrong.
The sale of the Third Street property to Erlanger was never a secret. It has been publicly known for quite some time especially among staff at the Health Department. I suspect in time we will learn more about the circumstances that led to Sabrina Novak’s firing. 

While you may have been surprised, there are many who worked within the department, in the county government, and within the community who are not surprised. Instead her dismissal was met with a sense of relief and dare I say, joy for many. 

I don’t doubt her technical competence, nor do I doubt her love for the community which is what led the community through the pandemic. I do, however, doubt her ability to actively create a positive working environment that encouraged her staff to produce the results so badly needed by the community every day. 

War time generals are great in wars, but we are not always at war. If they can’t adapt to peacetime operations, they become a hindrance to innovation and preparation needed for the next war. Sabrina was a great war time (pandemic) general, but she failed to adapt to peacetime (regular) operations. Many of her staff and former staff would not speak kindly to the work environment created which hindered the ability to deliver services to the public.

One only needs to look to the weekly HR job postings in which 75 percent of the postings were Health Department related, with new ones added almost every single week. 

Lastly and most importantly, as this is what promoted me to respond, do not thank Sabrina Novak on my behalf as a taxpaying Hamilton County resident. She does not have my thanks. And with her firing, after today she will also never hold another thought of mine.
Nikki Poulin

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