Let's Make Chattanooga The New Detroit

  • Wednesday, April 3, 2024

In 1950 Detroit was one of the most prosperous cities in the world with a population of 1.8 million. Forty years later the population was 1 million. Now the population is 670,000. There is no city  in the country that is more tied to a union than Detroit and the UAW. The combination of Democrat rule and the UAW has resulted in a population decline of almost 65 percent in the last 75 years. Have to give the Democrats and their union buddies credit, they have certainly lowered the cost of housing in Motown. And not just in Detroit, if one drives through Michigan you will find once prosperous cities that look like a combination of Berlin in the summer of 1945 and a third world country. 

As County Mayor Wamp mentioned there are some really good unions; our local IBEW for example. And then you have thug unions like the UAW who are nothing but vultures who come in after VW and the state of Tennessee invest billions of dollars for plants, infrastructure and training to reap the benefits. No wonder the UAW leadership supports Democrats while admitting more than half their members will vote for Trump. Sounds like a real Democratic organization. And meanwhile our President is doing all he can to destroy the Big 3 automobile companies.

The last car I bought made by the UAW was a 1975 Mustang. On the other hand, even though I would never buy a car made by the UAW I would never hire an electrician who was not a member of the IBEW. There are a lot of good hard working people at the VW plant. We don't need to import this cancer from Michigan with their corrupt leadership.

Douglas Jones

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