MLK Day Of Service Planned At Olivet Baptist Church

  • Friday, January 17, 2025

Pi Omega and Zeta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. continues their commitment to “Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood” through their annual MLK Day of Service. Chapter members will collaborate with the Matthew 25 Ministry of Olivet Baptist Church to serve the homeless in our community.

We will provide to-go meals and backpacks with winter supplies to the homeless community. (i.e. blankets, gloves, masks, hand sanitizer, ponchos, socks, etc.) The event will take place on Monday, at Olivet Baptist Church from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Statistics show that over 4,000 individuals experience homelessness each year in Chattanooga, with over 1,000 homeless children in public schools. Equally, voter registration is a crucial aspect of democracy, and minority communities need to participate in the electoral process. Voting is the chance to stand up for the issues that significantly impact minority communities like affordable housing, economic justice, environmental protection, and quality education.

Bob Tamasy: Joy Emerges From The Refinery Of Adversity
Bob Tamasy: Joy Emerges From The Refinery Of Adversity
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When I was a boy, we could always find Joy in our home. But I don’t mean the exhilarating human emotion. I’m talking about the liquid dishwashing detergent, the one that promised, “From grease ... more

Bob Tamasy: Addressing Unhealthy Fixation With Self
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We’re citizens of a society obsessed with self. Self-esteem. Self-realization. Self-actualization. Self-gratification. Self-determination. Self-awareness. Self-interest. Bookstores report their ... more

Second Missionary Baptist Church To Hold Black History Celebration
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Second Missionary Baptist Church will hold its annual celebration of Black History on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 11:30 a.m. The theme is "Black Resilience," featuring Minister Kameron Hayes, ... more