Soddy Daisy Mourns Loss Of Chip Smith; Low Income Housing Going In On Dayton Pike

  • Friday, February 7, 2020
  • Gail Perry

The Soddy Daisy Community Library will be hosting the city’s first Community Literacy Day. Library founder Curtis Cecil received approval at the commission meeting Thursday night to use Veterans Park on July 31 for the event that will have a Harry Potter theme. The purpose of the event is to promote reading and education within the city.


Business sponsorships will help to make the evening free of charge to the public with crafts, games and entertaining activities.

And food and beverages will be available. The SDCL will partner with other non-profits to feature the services they offer for residents of Soddy Daisy. At dusk, the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone will be shown on an inflatable screen.


City Manager Janice Cagle’s requests for multiple equipment purchases were all budgeted for and were all approved by the commission. Playground equipment will be partially paid for with a grant.  The proposal of $203,539 from GameTime will have a 50 percent match from the city. Lighting for various fire trucks was also approved, as was a boom mower for $106,000 and two pick up trucks for the public works department at the cost of $63,446.


A resolution amended the personnel rules and regulations regarding annual leave / paid time off for part time employees. The benefit of paid vacation for part time employees of the city has never been offered, said Ms. Cagle but had inadvertently been included. The amendment removed that benefit from the regulations.  


A large development of apartments and townhouses for low income households at 12220 Dayton Pike was given final approval on the second reading to rezone the property from R-2A Rural Residential and A-1 Agricultural, to R-3 Apartment-Townhouse District. No residents were at the meeting Thursday night to speak for or against the development. This affordable rental housing will be built with investment from the private sector by giving tax credits.


Mayor Gene Shipley ended the meeting mourning the loss of James "Chip" Smith who was shot and killed last Saturday in Sevier County by his wife. He was a long time Soddy Daisy resident and third generation firefighter. His father was a former fire chief and, at the time of his death, Officer Smith had been serving as a volunteer in the fire department. His father-in-law is currently a captain in the Soddy Daisy Fire Department.


"This has been a very tough week in the city," said the mayor. "The tragedy involved two great families that have served this city."


The meeting ended with a prayer by Vice Mayor Robert Cothran for all involved.


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