Police Blotter: Woman Tired Of Loud, Drinking Roommate; Woman Admits She Has No Permission To Have Dollar General Shopping Cart

  • Friday, September 22, 2023

A woman on Arrowhead Trail told police she is tired of her roommate coming home late from work, drinking beer and keeping everyone awake. She said that he comes in making all kinds of noise, walking around and being loud. Police spoke to the roommate, who said that he gets off work late and is just trying to relax and drink some beer. He said that it wasn't his intention to wake people up. He is just trying to unwind after a long day. Police told him to try to be mindful of others, keep the noise down or look into getting a place of his own. Police told the woman that if she wanted to remove him from the lease, she would have to talk to her landlord.

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Officers were dispatched to a possibly intoxicated party at Jack's, 5933 Hixson Pike. Police located the man and are familiar with him. The man said he had been sick and was using the restroom. The man did not appear to be under the influence at the time. He said he was fine, just dehydrated.

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A woman told police she last saw her vehicle without damage the day before around 5 p.m. when she was at the Riverpark. She left her vehicle parked there for a little while and then went to several other places with it after that before going home. She then discovered damage on it around 8 a.m. that morning when she tried to wash the vehicle. However, she's not sure where or when the damage could have happened. The damage was on the passenger side of the front bumper and the fog light was broken and pushed in. Also, the trim piece around the wheel was popped out. There have been no estimates yet for repairs.

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Police were flagged down at 4900 Hwy. 58 by a man who said he wanted a ride to Bud's on Brainerd Road. Police gave the man a ride.

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The district manager for Wendy's at 4500 Hwy. 58, told police someone driving a U-Haul accidentally damaged the drive-thru awning when attempting to drive the large truck to the window. He said the driver left the scene prior to police arrival. He does not wish to press charges and only wants to make a report for insurance purposes. The manager gave police a tag number, but did not know what state it was from.

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A customer service manager at the Publix, 400 N. Market St., told police a black male entered the store at approximately 11:57 a.m. and stole a hand held scanning device off the counter. The store did not wish to prosecute the thief; however, they wanted the man trespassed from the property. The man's identity is unknown at this time, therefore, no further police actions were taken.

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A security guard at Patten Towers told police a woman had kicked the front door, trying to get in because her friend was attempting to reach her mother, who stayed at the Towers. Security told both of the women they either needed an FOB to get in or someone had to escort them to the mother's apartment. The two of them did not like the response and the fact they were not allowed inside, so one of the women kicked the front door, and the door popped open. When police arrived, the door was back in place and no damage could be seen. Both women were outside, still trying to reach the one woman's mother. Besides a verbal dispute, no other incident occurred. Security denied to press charges as of now. After speaking with the woman who kicked the door, she admitted she did kick the door, and the security guard claims there is video footage, which police were unable to view at the time.

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A woman on Grove Street told police she wanted her ex-boyfriend out of her apartment and he was refusing to leave. When police arrived, the ex-boyfriend left without incident with all of his belongings, which the woman packed up and gave to officers to hand over to him.

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A man told police he was at Warner Park this past Sunday and he had left his vehicle parked around 9:30 p.m. He said he left it there while he attended a ball game, and when he got back to it around 11 p.m., he noticed damage on it. The damage was to the driver's side rear corner, which involved the bumper and quarter panel, which had been pushed apart at the seams where they join. The corner of the bumper had been pushed in some. He considers it a medium amount of damage, but no estimates have been done yet. There is no proof of how the damage was actually done.

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A man called police saying he saw two black males in a white Explorer checking door handles of vehicles at Hixson Pike/Dartmouth Street. He said their vehicle headed east on Dartmouth Street to Hixson Pike, but he did not see which direction they took on Hixson Pike. Police arrived quickly on scene due to being in the area at the time of dispatch, but could not locate any vehicles matching the description.

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A man at a business at 1911 Watauga St. told police someone broke into his car and stole items. The items include a red backpack with black stripes, and inside the backpack he had $1,500 cash. He said he comes to this business often and did not think to lock his vehicle. He said he left the driver's rear window rolled down and the car doors unlocked. Police spoke to the staff at the business, and they said that none of their cameras currently work. There is no suspect information.

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Police observed a woman walking with a shopping cart at 312 Browns Ferry Road. The woman identified herself. She was in possession of a shopping cart with a Dollar General logo branded on its handle, so police asked her if she owned the shopping cart and she said she did not. She told police she got it from the Dollar General down the street at 151 Browns Ferry Road. Police asked her if the Dollar General had given her permission to take the shopping cart off of Dollar General's property, and she said they had not. Police told her to return the shopping cart. Police will follow up with Dollar General and see if they want to press charges for theft of the shopping cart itself at a later date.

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