Collegedale Police Enter Into Pact With Homeland Security

  • Wednesday, February 21, 2024
  • Gail Perry

Whenever the Collegedale Police Department participates in a joint operation with Homeland Security investigations, the expenses related to the operation can now be reimbursed. At the Collegedale Commission meeting Monday night, approval was given for the police department to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between HSI and Collegedale.

Some of the expenses provided for are reimbursement for overtime pay for the dedicated officer who is assigned to the investigation or operation. It will also reimburse Collegedale for other investigative expenses such as travel, fuel, training and equipment used for the joint operations.

An honor guard unit is being established for the Collegedale Police Department. The U.S. Army has a gifting program that will donate two ceremonial rifles that can be used by the new honor guard unit. The commissioners voted to accept the deed of gift for the rifles. The gift is good for three years at no cost to the city and is eligible to renew for another three years.

Vice Mayor Tim Johnson began the discussion about planning for next year’s Christmas parade. He said that the commissioners want to have input in the 2024 parade, and suggested creating a committee consisting of a representative from the council, from the police and from the public works departments, along with somebody representing the community.

The vice mayor would like for the parade to take place in the area of town south of Apison Pike and asks for City Manager Wayon Hines and Police Chief Jack Sapp to find a way to close the state routes during the event. He said other surrounding cities have done that. The vice mayor said that having a committee could help do what the citizens and commissioners want.

Another feature that the commissioners would like in the parade is the ability to give candy to the spectators. Last year the commissioners were told that the city’s insurance carrier would not allow it.

Another discussion was the concern about the intersection of Apison Pike and Ooltewah-Ringgold Road and areas surrounding it being dark. The intersection is dangerous for pedestrians at night, and Commissioner Tonya Sadler said she has seen a homeless camp with shopping carts set up beside the Dollar Tree in the shopping center at that intersection. The city manager will investigate the lighting and what can be done to increase visibility at night.

Several building codes being used in Collegedale have been updated. The last year building codes were updated was 2021 and several of them no longer conform to the rules and regulations approved by the state of Tennessee’s Department of Commerce and Insurance, division of fire prevention. Approval was given to amend the ordinance to use the 2018 versions of certain codes to comply with state law. The update also will provide for uniformity of building code standards and enforcement with adjoining and surrounding municipalities.

The December/January financial report for the city shows that at 58 percent of the way through the fiscal year, Collegedale has received 45 precent of expected revenue and has spent 61 percent of planned expenses. It was noted that cable franchise taxes are due in February each year and that amount will be higher than what the city received last year. Sales taxes are a little down so far this year, but there are five months left to catch up, said Michelle Toro, finance director. And property taxes are due Feb. 28. The city will get the largest amount of that money in March, she said.


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