At McCallie, the Mountain Brook Spartans of Birmingham, Ala., were too strong and whipped McCallie 9-0 in middle school tennis. The scores were lopsided, but there were many competitive points. The Spartans B team also defeated the Blue Tornado B team 6-0.
The individual results of the matches were as follows:
Mountain Brook 9 McCallie 0
Jake Lindquist (M) lost to Aarya Palaniappan (MB) 8-3
Sam Harris (M) lost to Towns Lassiter (MB) 8-1
Liam Tabibiazar (M) lost to Andrew Crane (MB) 8-2
Wylie Shumate (M) lost to Doug Mills (MB) 8-2
Brantley Lockhart (M) lost to Cohen Smith (MB) 8-3
Campbell Naggar (M) lost to Jack Robison (MB) 8-2
1, Jake Lindquist-Liam Tabibiazar (M) lost to Palaniappan-Lassiter (MB) 8-5
Sam Harris-Brantley Lockhart (M) lost to Crane-Mills (MB) 8-4
3. Wylie Shumate-Rhys Coleman (M) lost to Smith-Kilgore (MB) 8-4
Mountain Brook B Team 6 McCallie B Team 0
Rhys Coleman (M) lost to Matthew Kilgore (MB) 8-1
Stone Caputo (M) lost to Gray Marshall (MB) 9-8 (1)
Ayan Chakraborty (M) lost to Thomas Moak (MB) 9-7
AJ Gupta (M) lost to Mac Willoughby (MB) 8-1
4. Campbell Naggar-Ayan Chakraborty (M) lost to Robison-Marshall (MB) 8-5
5. Stone Caputo-AJ Gupta (M) lost to Moak-Willoughby (MB) 8-0