Currently the Catoosa County Public Schools Board is asking for an absurd 30 percent increase in its share of property taxes. In spite of the current economic situation, this elected school board seems to have little regard to the increasing strain on taxpayers' wallets.
According to US News Education, Catoosa County's seemingly dismal achievement scores from statewide tests are as follows: 39 percent of elementary students scored at or above in both reading and math proficiency, middle school 44 percent and 34.7 percent respectively, and high school 42 percent in reading and 37 percent in math with a graduation rate of 89.5 percent in 2022.
Someone needs to explain to me how a school system can have a graduation rate of almost 90 percent when only 42 percent are proficient in reading and 37 percent in math. Remember, I might be a recent graduate of Catoosa County so there's a good chance I won't understand the math and any big words.
If this performance needs a 30 percent increase, then remote learning could achieve that. Maybe the people of Catoosa County need to get out and vote and start “primarying” these elected officials that think nothing of sanctioning huge tax increases.
Kevin Fosgate